Rafed English

Who is the sample of our women?

It is evident she, who is a Muslim and has adopted the Islamic Ideology, cannot choose one as a mental leader except Fatima (peace be upon her) and Zeineb. She would imitate Fezzah and Asma as well as somayeh and Omme Salameh. There is no doubt that some persons introduce themselves as the real followers of Fatima (peace be upon her), but simulation cannot change the truth. Simulation is one thing, and acceptance of the facts seriously something else.

By adopting the life of Fatima (peace be upon her) as sample, a Muslim woman tries to make her thought as Fatima (peace be upon her), her morals as Zeineb, her views as Fezzah, and at last, her speech according to Allah’s will. And this is achieved under the protection of man’s want, practice and faith.

The Exigency of Discussion about Fatima (peace be upon her):

The fact that Fatima (peace be upon her) is discussed is owing to some reasons, mentioned in brief:

Firstly, today is Fatima’s birthday anniversary, and naturally, in such an auspicious time that occurs once a year, we would take steps to discuss her character in order to know her and make her known as well.

Secondly, the discussion is about a woman, who has played many crucial roles in her life. Although she has got a short life, the book of her life is in a way that every page of it, is a lesson of life for us and the next generations; a lesson, having a new point to teach every time we study. Studying her life is instructive and a factor for reforming and improving the society. Because, we believe that if the women are amended in a society, the people will be amended and the society will be developed.

Thirdly, the discussion of Fatima (peace be upon her) is in fact the discussion of a mother, the source of amendment. It is she, who brings up healthy and duteous children, and delivers them to the society. It is she, who takes the responsibility of the generation leadership, etc.

Who is the sample of our mothers to bring up healthy children? Isn’t it better that Fatima (peace be upon her) be the teacher of motherhood classes?

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a mother, a fidle, steadfast, leading, mother, that despite poverty, educated her children well because of love. She was her children’s life shelter, inspired the (spirit of) love and fidelity in them, and taught them the way of life as well as self-sacrifice. If we teach Fatima’s point of views to others, we have established a way for the society prosperity.

Fourthly, discussing Fatima (peace be upon her) as well as introducing her character is a resolver for all, because in our era that is the era of philosophy and ideology miscellany, some have been puzzled how to approach the clear purpose of life. They don’t know what to do and where to go! The samples are presented in magazines and newspapers, that is not clear where their materials cOmme from.

Due to this fact, the world, especially the wOmmen’s world, is losing its last shelter of life. In this situation, it is better to present Fatima’s way, having been confirmed by foe and friend and having had all aspects of being an all-out sample.

We believe that if our women knew Fatima (peace be upon her), and applied her manner in their lives, they would manage to inspire a new life in the body of the society and present new dimensions of life. The way of Fatima (peace be upon her) is a great and straight way, and can release us from straits of this machinery and uproaring life and direct us to the destination.

Fatima (peace be upon her) has got a grand grandeur, not well known in her own era and even in our own time. Our hobby and concerns do not allow us discover and apply the aspects of her noble character.

Fatima (peace be upon her) as a Sample:

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a sample for those seeking for a real, complete, and multi-dimensional heroin. She is human in face but in manner, pious and clean, confidant and intimate with angles but even superior, because she is Ali and Mohammed’s (a.s) confident. She is a model and the best sample for an ideological life that has managed to provide the ground for presenting a complete sample of herself by means of self-construction. Therefore, why don’t we choose Fatima (peace be upon her) as sample?

Adapted from the book: "Fatima (a.s) The Most Paramount Lady of Islam" by: "Dr. Ali Ghaemi"

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