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The Declarations of the two Parties

It is enough for us to mention the words which Mu'awiya said concerning the Peace Treaty with Al-Hasan, peace be on Him. Many historians have narrated these words on his authority. Among them is b. Kuthayr, who has reported these words of Mu'awiya: "We are sutisfied with it (ie, the peace Treaty) (to take the reins of) government."1

When Mu'awiya exchanged letters with Al-Hasan to pave the way to Peace Treaty, he said: "It is for you that you are not ruled with wrong, the affairs are not excuted without you, and you are not disobeyed in any affair.2

It is enough for us to mention the declarations which Al-Hasan said to make his Shi'a understand the backgrounds of his reconciliation with Mu'awiya: "you do not know what I have done. By Allah, what I have done for my Shi'a is better than what the sum rises over," Also what he said one day to Bashir al-Hamadani who was among the chiefs of his Shi'a in Kufa: "With my reconciliation I wanted nothing but to drive killing away from you.3 Also what he said in his speech after peacemaking: "Men, Allah has guided you (to belief) with the foremonst ne of us, and prevented your blood from shedding with the last one of us. I hve made peace with Mu'awiya while I know that it may be a tribulation and a provision till a time.4

These declarations and the many ones similar to them, whether they belonged to Al-Hasan, peace be on Him, or to Mu'awiya help us understand the document signed by two parties. two parties intended the document signed by two parties. The two parties intended to achieve the aims which we have already mention: Mu,awiya intended to achieve his ambition through assuming power, while Al-Hasan made a plan to save his Shi'a from killing, to preserve his religious doctrines that were better than the sun rose over, and to make peace with Mu'awiya for a fixed time.

Now, there is no wonder when we mention the truth as it is and refer to the deviation (from the truth) of many historians who distorted the aims of the two parties and misunderstood their words. you may find that the Peace Treaty itself and the declarations of the two parties have never mentioned a pledge of allegiance, nor Imamate, nor caliphate (succession). So why have some historians claimed that? For example, b. Qutaybe al-Daynwari said that Al-Hasan pledgeg allegiance to Mu'awiya for the Imamate.

Before we discuss this matter or thsoe who believe in it, it is better for us to shed light upon the Islamic caliphate which was attributed to Mu'awiya b. Abu Sufyan and the Islamic Law that prevented the people from pledging allegiance to those who were like Him.

1. Ibn Kuthayr, al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh, vol.6, p.220.

2. Ibn Abu al-Haddid, sharh Nahj al-Balagha, vol.4, p.13.

3. Ibn Qutayba al-Daynwari, al-Imama wa al-Siyasa, p.203.

4. al-Yaqubi, Tarikh, vol.2, p.129.

Adopted from the book: "Sulh al-Hasan (a.s.)" by: "Sheykh Radi al-Yasin"

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