Rafed English

Calories in Peanut Butter

The nutritional table shows the amount of energy (calories), carbohydrate, protein, and fat per unit of each peanut butter item. Saturated fat is also shown as a separate column.

Where there is more than one serving measurement available, click on the serving to select other servings.

Peanut Butter Calories and Macro-Nutrients

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Calories Carb
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Peanut butter, chunk style, with salt 1 cup 1520 55.7 62.1 128.8 20.8
Peanut butter, chunk style, without salt 1 cup 1520 55.7 62.1 128.8 20.8
Peanut butter, chunky, vitamin and mineral fortified 1 cup 1530 45.6 67.2 132.8 26
Peanut butter, reduced sodium 1 tbsp 101 3.5 3.8 8 1.5
Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt 1 cup 1517 50.5 64.7 130 26.6
Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt 1 cup 1517 50.5 64.7 130 26.6
Peanut butter, smooth, reduced fat 100 grams 520 35.7 25.9 34 7.4
Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified 1 cup 1525 48.4 66.4 131.1 26.1

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