When your baby won't breastfeed - Part 1
Why do babies sometimes refuse to breastfeed? Reasons why your baby may not want to breastfeed include: - She finds it difficult to latch on properly and can't get a good enough mouthful...
Why do babies sometimes refuse to breastfeed? Reasons why your baby may not want to breastfeed include: - She finds it difficult to latch on properly and can't get a good enough mouthful...
What causes a low milk supply? Your breasts produce milk to match your baby's demands. The more he feeds, the more milk you’ll produce. So if your supply does dip temporarily, there has to...
I don’t feel I’m producing much milk, should I worry? The first thing to do is rule out false alarms about your milk supply. A good way of telling if your baby is getting enough...
How do I start breastfeeding? - Feeds can take anything from five minutes to 40 minutes, so find a comfortable place before you start. In the early days of breastfeeding, when you're still trying...
Is it true that breast is best? Yes, breastmilk is the best food for your baby. It's the healthiest way to feed her. Breastmilk is a complete food. It contains at least 400 nutrients,...
Feed your baby a little at a time. Let her be your guide when it comes to how much food she needs at a meal. As you baby's appetite varies you will find she eats more on some days than others. She...
Yes. Breastmilk or formula will remain your baby's most important source of nutrition until she is a year old. There is no need to stop breastfeeding because you are starting your baby on solids. This...
You can start to offer you baby fingers foods from the start of weaning. You may find that your baby prefers to feed herself with finger foods rather than be spoon-fed. If this is true of your baby, don't...
Why is food hygiene important? Cleanliness and food freshness is important once your baby starts to eat solid food. This is because babies' immune systems are less developed than adults'. Their...
How much milk you give your baby depends on whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding. If you have been breastfeeding, now your baby is six months old there’s no reason to stop. You can...
When should I feed my baby? "Don’t wait until your baby's starving before giving her her first mouthful of food. If she’s upset, she won’t be able to eat. Give her a little...
What if my baby's not interested in eating? "If your baby spits out everything you give him, take a deep breath and repeat the mantra: Food is for fun until you’re one." Carrie "I...