Women having the habit of Fixed Duration
Women having the habit of Fixed Duration
Women having the habit of duration are of two types
498. First, a woman whose duration of mentruations in two consecutive months is same but the commencing times differ. In such circumstances her habit of duration will be the number of days during which blood is see. For example, if blood is seen from the 1st to the 5th of the 1st month and from the 11th ofthe 15th of the 2nd month her duration habit will be 5 days.
Second, a woman who sees blood in two consecutvie months for 3 or more days, and then it sops for a day ro two before it starts again though the time of commencement of blood varies in the 2nd month from that of the 1st, her duration habit will be the number of days during which blood is been, provided tht the total number of the bleeding and purified days does not exceed ten and that the euration period in both the months remains equal As a measure of precaution, in teh intervening days she will do all that is obligatory upon a lady who is purified, and also refrain from all those acts which a menstruated is forbidden to do. For example, if during the 1st month she sees blood from the 1st to the 3rd day and then it sops for 2 days and then sees again for 3 days, and in the 2nd month she sees if from the 11th to the 13th and then it stops for 2 days and then sees it her duratin habit will be six days. And if the duration in two consecutive months and for 4 days in the next, then a pause, and again bleeding starts making the total 8 days by including the intervening days, then such a woman cannot be classified as a woman with fixed duratin. She will Mudhtariba disordered, whose rules will be discussed later.
499. If a woman with the fixed habit of duration sees blood for less or more days than her habitual duration, butthe number of those days does not exceed 10 she should treat them as menstruation. And if it exceeds 10 days and the nature of blood remains same throughout, then she will calculate her habitual duration from the day bleeding began and treat it as menstruation. But if the nature of blood changes, with some days showing signs of menstruation and others showing signs of menstrual irregular discharges, then there can be three possibilities:
(i) If the number of days in which blood shows of menstruation tallies with the habitual duration, then she will take those days as of menstruations, and the rest as menstrual irregular discharges.
(ii) If the number of days in which blood show signs of menstruation exceeds her habitual duration, then she will take her habitual duration as menstruatin, and the rest as menstrual irregular discharges.
(iii) If teh number of days in which blood shows signs of menstruation is less than her habitual duratin, she will add some days to complete her duration and take that period as menstruation, and treat the rest of the days as of menstrual irregular discharges.
Mudhtariba (Disordered)
500. Mudhtariba is a woman who may have seen blood for some months, but did not form a fixed habit, neither of time nor of duration. If such a woman see blood for more than 10 days, and if teh nature of blood remains same, either, resembling menstruation or menstrual irregular discharges, then she will be classified among those women whi, dispite fixed habit of time, see blood in unusual period, and is also unable to distinguish the signs of one from the other.
As a measure of precaution, she will refer to the prevailling habits among her relatvies and adopt it, And if that is not possible, she will fix any reasonable number, neither less than 3 days nor more than ten days, as explained in rules nos. 495 and 497.
501. If A Mudhtariba sees blood for more than ten dayss and if for some days the blood has the signs of menstruation and during other days has the signs of menstrual irregular discharges, and if the blood which has the signs of menstruation is not less than 3 days nor more than 10 days, the all of it is menstruation. The rest will be of menstrual irregular discharges.
And if the blood bearing the signs of menstruations is for less than 3 days or more than 10 days, she will follow the rule explained in the foregoing clause for the sake of determining the number of days in menstruation.
And if after having determined her menstruation period, she again sees blood before competing 10 days of being purifid, again with signs of menstruation, she will teat this new emission as menstrual irregular discharges.
Mubtad'a (The beginner)
502. Mubtade'a (beginner) is a woman who sess blood for the first time. If she sees ti for more than ten days and all the blood has common signs then she should refer to the prevailing habit among her relatives and consider her corresponding duratin as menstruation and the rest as menstrual irregular discharges, keeping in view two provisions in rule no. 495. And if even that seems impossible then she will be free to fix certain duration as explained in rule no. 497.
503. If a Mubtade'a (beginner) sees blood for more than ten days, some bearing the signs of menstruation and other that of menstrual irregular discharges, and if the blood with the signs of menstruation is seen for not less than three and not more than ten days, then all that blood is menstruation. But if she sees blood again before the expiry of ten days and even that blood resembles the menstruation, for example, if dark blood isseen for five days and yellowish blood is seen for nie days, and dark blood is seen again for five days, then she should treat the first blood as menstruation and the rest as menstrual irregular discharges, as explained in the case of Mudhtariba.
504. If a Mubtade'a sees blood for more than 10 days, some of which bearing signs of menstruation and other having singsof menstrual irregular discharges, and if the blood with the signs of menstruation is seen for less than 3 days, she will treat ti as menstruation, and for determing the duration of it she will follow as stated in rule no. 501.
Nasiyah "who missed her habit of time"
505. Nasiyah is a woman who has forgotten her habit of time and duration, and such women are of various types.
One of them is a woman who had a fixed habit of duration, and has now forgotten it. If she sees blood for three or more days, not exceeding ten, she will treat all of it as menstruation.
But if she sees blood for more than ten days, then she is classified as Mudhtariba disordered, and she will follow rule no. 500 and 501, with one difference. While determing her duratin, she msut know that the duration she is fixing is not less than her usual habit, nor can she fix a longer duration than her usual habit.
Similar is the case of a woman, who had a fixed duratin, but it slightly varied each month, for example, she saw blood for six days and at times fore seven days in a month. Such a woman, if she is unable to decide on teh basis of signs, or the habit of her relatives etc. then she should fix her duration within the limits of six and seven days.
Various Rules Ralated to the Haydh (menstruation)
506. If a Mubtade'a, a Mudhtariba, a Nasiya a woman with the fixed habit of duration, see blood withthe signs of menstruation, or are certain that the discharge would last for three days; they must abandon the obligatory prayers. But if they later understand that it was not menstruation, they have to give the Quadha of the prayers they did not perform.
507. If a woman has a fixed habit of menstruation, either of time or of duration or of both, and if she sees blood for two consecutive months contrary to her usual habit in which she finds that the time, the duratin or both coincide then she has formed a new habit. For example, if previously she saw blood from 1st to 7th of a month but during thes two months she saw it from the 10th to 17th, then the period from 10th to 17th of the month will be her new habit.
508. One month" means the expiry of 30 days from the date of commencement of menstruation and not the period from the first to the last date of a month.
509 If a woman usually sees blood onece in a month,but in a particular month she sees it twice with signs of menstruation, and if the number of intervening days during which she remaied purified is not less than 10 she should treat both as periods of menstruation.
510. If a woman sees blood with signs of menstruation for 3 or more days and there. After for 10 or more she sees blood with the signs of menstrual irregular discharges and again she sees blood with signs of menstruation for 3 days, she should treat that first and last bleeding as menstruation.
511. If a woman becomes purified before expiry of 10 days and feels that there is not blood in her interior part she should perform bath for the acts of worship although she may have a feeling that blood might appear once again before the completion of 10 days. And if she si absolutely sure that she will see blood before teh lapse of 10 days, even then, as matter of precaution, she should perform bath and perform her sevives, but she will refrain froom doing those acts which are forbidden to a menstruated woman.
512. If a woman becomes purified before 10 days but feels aht thete might be blood in her interior part, she should insert cotton and wait for some time to find out. If she finds out that she has become purified she should take bath and peform her acts of worship. And if she finds out that she has not become purified totally, and she does not have a fixed habit of menstruaio or if her habit is 10 days, or if she has a fixed duratin, which is not yet copleted, then she will wait. If she becomes purified before ten days, she will perform bath. If she becomes purified on completion of 10 days, or if her bleeding exceeds ten days then she will perform bath at theend of tenth day.
And if her habit is for less tan 10 days, and she is sure that the blood will cease before ten days are ovber, or by the end of the tenth day, she must not perofmr bath till then And if she has a feeling ath he beeding might exceed ten days, it is a recommened precaution that she avoids acts of worship fora days, or up to the tenth day. But this rule applies to those women who have had continous bleeding before the days of ther habit. Otherwise, it is not permissible to neglect the services after the days of habit are over.
513. If a woman treats the blood she saw during certain days as menstruation and did not perform her acts of worship and comes to know later that it ws not a menstruation, she should give Quadha of the lapsed prayers, and fast, which she left out. And if she prforms acts of worship under the impression that the blood os not a mensttruation but reallizes later that it was a menstruation, then the fsts kept in those days will be void and therforeshe shold give Quadha of those fasts.
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