Nifas "Abortion"
Nifas "Abortion"
514. From the time, when child birth takes place, the blood seen by the mother is Abortion, provided that it stops be fore or on completion of the tenth day. While in teh conditions of Abortion, a woman is called Abortion.
515. The blood which a mother sees before the appearance of the first limb of the child is not Abortion.
516. It is not necessary that the baby is fully grown. Even if a deficient baby is born, the blood seen by the mother for ten dayswill Abortion. The term Child birth' must be applicable to it.
517. It is possible that the abortion blood may be discharged for an instant only, but it never exceeds 10 days.
518. If a woman doubt whether she has aborted something or not, ro whether the thing aborted is a child or not, it is not necessary for her to investigae, and the blood which is discharged in this situation is not Abortion.
519 On the basis of precautin, halting or pausing in a mosque and other acts which are illegal for a menstuated woman are also prohibited for the aborted and those acs which re obligatory for a menstruated are also obligatory for a woman in labor.
520. Divorcing a woman who is in a state of Abortion and having sexual intercourse with her is illegal. However, if her husband has sexual intercourse with her it dies not involve any expiation.
521. When a woman becomes pure from the Abortion, she should perform bath and perform acs of worship. Anf if she sees blood again, once or often, and the total number of days on which blood is seen and the intervening days during which she remains purified is 10 or less than 10, then all of it will be Abortion. In the inervening days, as a precaution, she will perform all that is obligatory for a pure woman and also refrain from all acts, whixh are forbidden to a woman in the Abortion. So, if she had kept fast, she will give their Quadha. And if the blood, which she saw later exceeds ten days then there can be two situations:
(i) If the woman does not have a fixed habit of duration, then she will count the first en days as Abortion, and teh rest as irregula menstrual discharges.
(ii) And if she has a fixec habit of duratin, then as a precaution, the blood which she sees ager the habitaul days of duration will require her to act as a irregular mensttruated, and also avoid all that is forgbidden to a woman in Abortion.
522. If a woman becomes purifed from the Abortin, but feels that there might be lood in the interior part, she should insert some cotton, and wait till she finds out. Fi she finds herself purified then she should perform the bath for the acts of worship.
523. If the blood of abortion is seen by a mother for more than 10 days and she has a fixed habit of menstuation, then her Abortion will equal to the duration of menstruation and the rest of would be of irregular discharges. And if, she does not have a fixed habit of menstruation, she would take ten days as those of menstruatin, and treat the rest as irregular menstrual discharges. For a woman who has a fixed habit of menstruation, it is a recommended preacautin to act as a irregular menstruated from the day after ther habit is over, and at teh same time refrain from acts forbidden to one in abortion till the 8th day. And for a woman with no fixed habit of menstruatio, this recommended precaution applies from teh tenth to the eigheenth day sinec the childbarth.
524. If the habit of menstruation of a woman is less than 10 days and blood is seen for more days than th days of her menstruation, she should treat the days equal to the days of her menstruation as Abortion. After that, she has choice either to leave out her praers or act according to the rules of the irregular menstrual irregular discharges, but it is better to leave out the prayer for a day. And if the blood continues to be seen even after 10 days, then all the days in excess of her habit, up to the tenth day, will irregular menstrual discharges and she should give Quadha of the acts of worship, which she did not perform during those days. For exmaple, if the menstruatin duration of a woman has alway been 6 days and her blood comes for more than 6 days, she should treat 6 days as Abortion and on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th day, it will be her choice either to abstain from all acts of worship or adopt the rules of the menstrual irregular discharges. And if she sees blood for more than ten days all teh days in excess of her habitual duration of menstruation will be treated as teh days of the irregular menstrual discharges.
525. If a woman, with a fixed habit of the menstruation sees blood continuously for a month or more after giving birth to a child, the blood seen for the days equal to her menstruation habit will be of Abortion, and the blood seen after that for ten days will be of irregular menstrual discharges, even if it coincides wiht the dates of her monthly menstruation. For example, there is a woman whose fixed menstruation habit is from 20th to 27th of every month.
She gives birth on the 10th of a given month, and she continues to see blood for a month or more; her Abortion will be seven days, equal to her menstruation days, and will be from the 10th to the 17th of that month; now, the blood which she continues to see from the 17th onwards for ten days will be irregular menstrual discharges, even though it fall in her days of menstruation habit. After the lapse of 10 days, if bleeding continues, then it is a menstruation if it falls in the days of habit, irrespective of whether it has the signs of the menstruation or not.
And if bleeding does not occur in the days od the menstruation habit, she will wait till teh days of her habit, even if it means waiting for a months or more and even if the blood has the signs of menstruation.
And if she has no fixed habit of commencement time of the menstruation, she should make an effort to recognize her menstruation by its signs; and if that is not possible, because the blood seen after the abortion remains of one type for a month or more, then she will adopt the habit the habit prevailing among her relatives to determine the days of menstruation. And, if that also is not possible, then she has an option of fixing her days of the menstruation. These details have been dealt with in the discussions about the menstruation.
526. If a woman does not have a fixed habit of euration, and if after giving birth she sees blood continuously for a month or more, the rules contained in no. 523 will apply to the first 10 days; and as for the next 10 days it is of the irregular menstrual discharges. And as regards the blood seen thereafter, it can be either a menstruation or irregular menstrual discharges, and in order to ascertain whether it is a menstruation, she will follow the rule stated in the foregoing clause.
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