Rafed English

The Rules of Viewing (Nazar)




·    Issue 835: For a man viewing the body of the unrelated (Ajnabi) woman is forbidden whether it be with the intention of lust or without this intention. Likewise, it is forbidden for a woman to look at the body of an unrelated man. However, there is no objection in looking at the face of an unrelated woman and her hands up to the wrist when there is no intention of lust nor going to corruption and sin.




Likewise, there is not objection in a woman looking to the extent which is customary without covering of the body of the unrelated man, like the head, face, knees and something of his hands or feet.




·    Issue 836: It is permitted (for a man) to look at the immature girl when there is no intention of lust and he does not fear falling into anything unlawful by looking at her. However, it is obligatory, according to obligatory precaution, not to look at her thighs and stomach which she customarily covers.




·    Issue 837: It is obligatory that a woman cover her body and her hair from (the view of) unrelated men. The recommended precaution is that she cover before the immature boy who can distinguish between good and bad and right and wrong, who is at the stage that his viewing can be lustful. However, it is not obligatory to cover the face and the hands up to the wrist.




·    Issue 838: It is forbidden to look at the private parts of another, although it be in the mirror or in clear water and things similar to that, whether it be a close relative (Mahram) or a unrelated person, whether the one viewed is male or female. The obligatory precaution is not to look at the private parts of an immature discerning child. However, it is permitted for two mates (i.e. husband and wife) to look at the entire body of the other.




·    Issue 839: It is allowed for the close relatives (Mahram) of a man and woman, like brothers and sisters to look at each other to the customary extent in their seeing the body of the other. The precaution is not to look at what is besides that.




·    Issue 840 It is not permitted for a man to look at the body of another man with lust and it is also forbidden for a woman to look at the body of another woman with the intention of lust.




·    Issue 841: It is not forbidden for the unrelated man to photograph the unrelated woman, except when it is necessary to look at her body besides the face and hands.




·    Issue 842: When a woman wears a legal covering (Hijaab), it is objectionable to look at her face without the covering, except that he does not recognize her and there is no other fear of corruption in looking.




·    Issue 843: When the male nurse or male doctor is compelled to touch the body of the female patient or the female nurse or female doctor is compelled to touch the body of the male patient, it is obligatory upon them to wear gloves and whatever is similar to gloves. However, there is no objection in the state of compulsion.




·    Issue 844: It is permissible for the doctor to look at the unrelated woman for treatment in the situation of necessity.




·    Issue 845: It suffices in covering (Hijaab) that the woman covers her body besides the face and hands up to the wrist by any means possible. A specific and particular clothing is not conditional. However, it is objectionable to cover with tight clothing and clothing clinging to the body. Likewise, are the clothing used for decoration.




·    Issue 846: It is permissible for an unrelated man to look at the woman that he intends to marry in order to inspect her beauty or defects. Rather, even when he did not obtain the intended aim with one look, it is permissible for him to repeat the viewing in a number of sittings.




·    Issue 847: It is permissible to listen to the voice of an unrelated woman when there is no intention of lust and it does not lead to falling into sin. However, it is obligatory that the woman not make her voice so that it brings about infatuation and incites desire.




·    Issue 848: It is permissible to look at an unrelated woman in order to identify her at the time of indicating (someone) when a witness in (legal) decisions and important matters which are similar to that.




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