Rafed English

Subjects from different sources with agreement in contents

Adam was named as Adam because he was created from the skin of the earth (Arabic: Adeem) and from Al-Sadooq: that the fourth ground (or earth) was called Adeem and from it Adam was created and that's why he was called Adam, and the mother of human beings Eve (Arabic: Hawa') was called like this because she was made from the living (Arabic: living = Hay) and that is Adam (PUH).

And from Al-Sadiq (PUH): that God created Adam from clay and created Eve from Adam, and so the work of men is on land (earth, ground) and the work of women is in men. It was told that when Adam was created and God placed the soul in his body He made him stand between His hands then Adam sneezed and praised the God by saying: Praise be to the God.

then God said: O Adam, you praised me, and I swear by my Highness, if it was but to make two slaves at the end of time, I wouldn't have created you. Then Adam said: O Lord, by their endearment and their values to You, what are their names? So God said: O Adam, look to the Throne. So Adam took a look and found two lines made of light. The first line was: No God but Allah, Muhammad the prophet of mercy and 'Ali is the key of paradise. The second line was: I decided to bear mercy for these who be victorious to them and follow their path, and torture these who oppose them.

The trustworthy 'Ali ben Ibrahim had told from Abi Jafar Al-Baqir (PUH) in telling the meaning of God's saying "And verily We made a covenant of old with Adam, but he forgot, and We found no constancy in him" (Taha:115) he said: God made a covenant with him in Muhammad and the Imam's after him (PUT), but he left that out and he never thought they were (Muhammad and the Imam's PUT) in such high place and value, and the "Them of Constancy" (meaning: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad) are called like that because God made a covenant with them in Muhammad and the viceroys after him and in Al-Qa'im (PUT) and gathered their constancies in admitting their (Muhammad and his viceroys PUT) rights and virtues.

And from Abi 'Abdullah Al-Sadiq (PUH) that he said: the sons of Adam (PUH) gathered in a house and had an argument about who's better, Adam or the close Angels. Some of them said that our father Adam is better and others said the close Angels are, and few others said the carriers of the Throne. While they were like that, "Gift of God" Seth (Also: Sheth PUH) entered and they told him the story,

so he got back to his father Adam (PUH) and told him the story of the fighting men and they asked him (asked Seth) but he didn't have an answer for this, then said Adam: O son, I've stood between the hands of God may praise be to him, then I looked into a line on the door of the Throne that was written on it: By the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Muhammad and the descendants of Muhammad are the best of what Allah started.

From Al-'Ayyashi from Amr ben Abi Miqdam from his father that he said: I asked Aba Jafar Al-Baqir (PUH) from what thing did God made Eve (PUH)? he said (Al-Baqir PUH): and what thing do they say about this creation? I said: they say from one of Adam's (PUH) ribs, then he said (PUH): they lied. Is God unable to create her except out of Adam's rib? Then I said: O may I be a ransom to you son of the prophet of God, of what thing did God create her?

He said (PUH): my father told me from his fathers that the prophet of God (PUH) said: God, may praise be to Him, held a clay and mixed it with his right hand, and both of His hands are right, so He created out of it Adam and part of it was left untouched so He created Eve out of it (Al-Sayed Ne'mato-Allah Al-Jaza'eri said: this Hadith or speech is trustworthy and believed in among our comrades and partners.

Meaning what had been told by Al-'Ayyashi..etc) and this speech has what supports it and there is no doubt among us about its contents and anything oppose it would oppose the rules and laws of what God made what we are in now, and so the claim of creating Eve out of his (Adam) rib is something strange and weird instead of creating her out of the remaining of his (Adam) clay as it was told by them (meaning them the Holy family of Muhammad PUT) many times.

About the story of creating Eve out of the rib, and that is the little left rib, is carried by explaining according to the pictorial match for these who believe it and there are other taken paths and God only knows.And it is probable that God created Adam and Eve without a mother and father and created Jesus (PUH) without a father to let know that He is able to create anything anyhow, and His laws in nature used to be creating any creation out of a father and a mother except these mentioned before.

And it is told that the Angels (PUT) when they felt about their mistake and got sorrowful for their arguing with God about the creation of Adam (PUH) and saying "Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood" and they knew that they made a mistake and regretted and got to the Throne praising and asking for pardon for what they did, and this was a reason to put up a house in the fourth heaven at the edge of the Throne and was called Ad-Dhirah, then after that He put up a house in the earth's sky and Called it Al-Bayt Al-Ma'moor (The Great House) at the edge of Ad-Dhirah, and Put up on earth Al-Bayt Al-'Ateeq (The Old House, or Holy House) at the edge of Al-Bayt Al-Ma'moor.

Then after He ordered his slave Adam (PUH) to go around it and so he did, so He had mercy upon him and that spread out among his sons until the doomsday. And it was told that Adam (PUH) visited the Holy House for a thousand times on his feet, for seven hundreds Hijjas (pilgrimages) and three hundreds 'Omras ('Omrah = A visit not in the pilgrimage time)

Adapted from: "The Life and the Tales of the Prophet Adam (pbuh)" by: "Abdul-Saheb al-Hasani al-'Ameli"

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