Ramadan In Tunisia
- :en.rafed.net
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Worship With A Spirit Of Solidarity
The glorious month of Ramadan is special in Tunisia, where life takes a different course, marked with special customs and traditions. The families decorate the front of their houses and those caring for mosques give them an extra coat of paint and light up the minarets with lamps.
During the month of Ramadan, there is a large increase in the number of worshippers in mosques throughout the country. Thousands of citizens hasten each day not only to say the Asr (afternoon) prayers, but also to take part in the circles of “dikr” and religious seminars organized daily in the mosques after the Asr and Maghreb (sunset) prayers. Even the optional prayer “tarawih”, said after “Isha” (evening) prayers has become quasi obligatory for Tunisians. Many Tunisian families want to
say it together to strengthen family ties.
The mosques are frequently overflowing; they are so full that men, women and young people have to pray in the streets and neighbouring public spaces. I saw this myself in several mosques in the capital -especially in the famous Zaytouna mosque, located in the centre of Tunis.
One particularly noticeable phenomenon in the last few years has been the large surge in the number of young people, boys and girls, who go to the mosques. Observers refer to this as “rebirth of the faith”, which impregnates Tunisian society during this glorious month.
The Tunisian family is reunited and strengthens its bonds during this month, which the Tunisians call the “Month of Meeting”, because members of each family One particularly noticeable phenomenon in the last few years has been the large surge in the number of young people, boys and girls, who go to the mosques. Observers refer to this as “rebirth of the faith”, which impregnates Tunisian society during this glorious month.
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