Rafed English

Orders regarding Postmortem

2890. It is not permissible to dissect the dead body of a Muslim (i.e. to conduct postmortem). If it is dissected it is obligatory for the person dissecting it to pay compensation (Diyah) according to the relevant rules.

2891. It is permissible to dissect the dead body of a non Muslim and the same order applies if it is doubtful whether the dead body is that of a Muslim. It makes no difference whether the problem arises in an Islamic State or in a non Islamic State.

2892. If the life of a Muslim depends upon dissecting the dead body of a Muslim and it is also not possible to dissect the body of a non Muslim, or a person whose being a Muslim is doubtful, and there is also no other way to save the life of the Muslim, it is permissible to dissect the dead body of a Muslim.

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