Rafed English

Kumayl bin Ziyad

On Thursday night, the Muslims finish the night prayers. They sit down in lines. They implore Allah, the Merciful Creator, to forgive them their sins. They ask Him to be pleased with them.

Sweet words flow out of the mosque minarets. The words fly high in the clear sky full of stars:

Allah, I implore You with Your mercy that has included everything,And with Your power with which you have overcome everything, And everything has yielded to it ...

Who Was Kumayl?

He was Kumayl bin Ziyad al-Nakhay. He was one of Imam Ali's companions. He was a noble man. His people obeyed him. He came from Yemen. His family inhabited Kufa during Imam Ali's Caliphate.

Abid al-Rahman bin al-Ashath led a revolution against al-Hajjaj. Kumayl joined the revolution. He led the Qur'an Readers Battalion.

Adopted from the book: "Kumayl bin Ziyad" by: "Kamal al-Seyyed"

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