Rafed English

Comparative Fatwas on the Place Where Prayer Is Offered

Fatwās Of Imam Khomeini (q.)

Fatwās of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (d.)

1- If a person offers his prayer in a usurped place while he/she does not know that or forgets it and he/she remembers/becomes aware of that after finishing prayer, the prayer is correct unless it is the same person who had usurped this place, in case of which the prayer is, by obligatory caution, void.

1- If one prays in a place which one does not know that it is usurped or he/she forgets this fact, his/her prayer is correct.


2- The fifth condition [of the place of prayer] is that, in prostration the place of forehead must not be higher or lower — more than four tight fingers — than the place on which the knees (or the tips of the toes, by obligatory caution) rest.

2- While offering prayer, the level of the place on which the forehead is placed must not be higher or lower — more than four tight fingers — than the place on which the knees or the tips of the toes rest.


3- While praying, a woman should, by recommended caution, stands behind a men so that the place where she does prostration would be a little behind the place where he stands.

3- While offering prayer, the distance between a woman and a man must, by obligatory caution, be at least one span, in which case their prayers are valid even if the woman stands parallel to the man or ahead of him.

4- It is makrūh to offer an obligatory prayer inside the Ka‘bah house or on its roof, but in case one has no alternative, it is no problem.

4- Offering obligatory prayer inside the Ka‘bah house is makrūh, and a person must, by obligatory caution, not offer prayer on its roof.

5- One should maintain a proper sense of decorum by not offering one’s prayer ahead of the grave of the prophet (s.) or of an Imam (a.). If it is considered as disrespect, it is ḥarām but the prayer is not invalid.

5- When a person wants to offer prayer, he/she must not stand somewhere ahead of the grave of the Prophet (s.) or that of an Imam (a.), but standing in a place parallel to the grave is not problematic.

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