Rafed English

Comparative Fatwas on invalidators of Fasting

Fatwās Of Imam Khomeini (q.)

Fatwās of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (d.)

1- While fasting, one should, by obligatory caution, avoid taking an injection which serves as food, but it is not problematic to have an anesthetic injection or what serves as medication.

1- While fasting, one should, by obligatory caution, avoid taking intravenous fluid and vitamin, nutritious or intravenous injections. But anesthetic injections and medicines that are injected intramuscularly are not objected.


2- While fasting, one should, by obligatory caution, not let the tobacco smoke and that of cigarette enter into one’s throat, but thick steam does not invalidate one’s fasting unless it changes into water in the mouth and is swallowed.

2- While fasting one should, by obligatory caution, avoid tobacco smoke as well as the narcotics absorbed through the nose or put under the tongue.

3- If a person who is fasting deliberately attributes false things to Allah, the Prophet Muhammad or his successors (a.), no matter if this is done through speech, writing, gesturing or the like, his/her fasting is rendered invalid even if he/she immediately refutes it or he/she repents of it. By obligatory caution, the same rule applies to attributing false things to Fātimah al-Zahrā’, other prophets, and their successors.

3- Attributing false things to Allah, the Prophets or the infallible (a.) renders, by caution, the fasting invalid even if one repents and refutes it later.

4- If a person wants to relate a tradition which he/she does not know whether it is true or false, he/she must, by obligatory caution, relate it from the person who said it or from the book in which the tradition is written. But if the person himself/herself narrates the tradition, his/her fasting does not become invalid.

4- If one relates hadiths that are written in the books without knowing that they are untrue, it is not problematic. However, there is caution to relate them while mentioning the reference.

5- If one makes thick dust reach his/her throat, the fasting is invalidated and it makes no difference whether or not it is dust of something edible in Islam like flour.

5- During fast, one should, by obligatory caution, avoid intaking thick dust, like that produced by sweeping. By obligatory caution, the same rule applies to tobacco/cigarette smoke.

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