Rafed English

Calories in Butter

The nutritional table shows the amount of energy (calories), carbohydrate, protein, and fat per unit of each butter item. Saturated fat is also shown as a separate column.

Where there is more than one serving measurement available, click on the serving to select other servings.

Butter Calories and Macro-Nutrients

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Calories Carb
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
Butter, light, stick, with salt 100 grams 499 0 3.3 55.1 34.3
Butter, light, stick, without salt 100 grams 499 0 3.3 55.1 34.3
Butter, salted 1 cup 1628 0.1 1.9 184.1 116.6
Butter, whipped, with salt 1 cup 1083 0.1 1.3 122.5 76.2
Butter, without salt 1 cup 1628 0.1 1.9 184.1 116.6

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