A Glimpse into the Prophet's Character
Just as the Prophet's birth and the events that followed his blessed birth were extraordinary and suggestive of his majesty and supreme character, so his behaviour and manner of speaking in childhood also made him different from other children. Abdul Muttalib realized this fact and respected his majesty greatly. 16
Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, used to say, 'We have never heard any lies from Muhammad, nor have we seen him misconduct himself or make mischief. He never laughs unduly nor speaks idly and he is mostly alone'. 17
The Prophet was seven years old when the Jews remarked, 'In our Books we have read that the Prophet of Islam refrains from eating any food which is religiously prohibited or doubtful. Let's try him'. So they stole a hen and sent it to Abu Talib. Not knowing that the hen had been stolen, all ate from the cooked hen but Muhammad, who avoided even tasting it. When they asked the reason for this avoidance of the food, he answered, 'This food is forbidden by God, and God protects me against anything that He has forbidden ...'. Then the Jews took a hen from a neighbour, intending to pay for it later on, and sent it to Abu Talib's house. Again he avoided eating the hen, saying, 'This food is doubtful and ...'. Then the Jews said, 'This child has an extraordinary character and a supreme position'. 18
Abdul Muttalib, the chief of the Quraysh tribe, did not treat his grandson like other children, but held him in great respect and reverence. When a special place was arranged for Abdul Muttalib at the Ka'aba, his offspring surrounded that special place, inhibited by Abdul Muttalib's dignity and glory from stepping into his abode. But the Prophet was by no means impressed by so much grandeur and honour and would always directly go to that particular seat. Abdul Muttalib's sons tried to hinder him, but he protested and said, 'Let my son go. I swear by God that he has a glorified, majestic position'. Then Muhammad sat beside the chief of the Quraysh, Abdul Muttalib, and spoke with him. 19
16. Bihar ul-Anwar, Vol. 15, pp.382, 402, 366.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid., p.336.
19. Ibid., p.142; Sirihi ibn Hisham, Vol. 1, p.168.
Adapted from: "A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam" by : "Dar Rah Haqq's Board of Writers"
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