Wasted Time and Useful Time
- :Al-Balagh Foundation
- 888
If we look at the amount of time we spend uselessly and try to make a simple calculation as to how many long hours go in vain either in nonsense chatter or in loitering along the streets, or wandering in front of commercial shops or participating in parties which have no limit and without knowing that we are committing "the crimes of futility" against ourselves with the most precious of what Allah has blessed us with, what will be the total?.
Just think of these images, in which we live, and, which occur perhaps daily:
- A young man may take his car or his father's car, sometimes, accompanied by his friends, to drive around the streets, squares, and roads without any aim and destination.
- A girl or girls may wander for long hours - perhaps other than shopping - in front of shop windows in hopes of desire.
- Young men may play football for hours on end and even though eventually they quit, they repeat playing once, twice and perhaps three times.
- Young men sit in coffee houses smoking, chattering, backbiting and laughing loud.
- Others may stand in long lines waiting to buy their needs or waiting for buses while casting their naive looks here and there.
- Others who stay up at night may play cards, or chess, or sit before computers for unlimited periods or use the Internet to the extent of addiction without caring for the time which they waste in this regard.
Adapted from: "How to Utilize Our Free Time?" by: "Al-Balagh Foundation"
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