Top Ten Excuses Of Muslim Women Who Don't Wear Hijab And Their Obvious Weaknesses - Part 1
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Excuse One: I'm not yet convinced (of the necessity) of hijab.
We then ask this sister two questions:
One: Is she truly convinced of the correctness of the religion of Islam?
The natural answer is: Yes, she is convinced, for she responds "Laa ilaaha illallah!" (There is no God but Allah), meaning she is convinced of the 'aqeedah, and then she says: "Muhammadun rasoolullah!" (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), meaning by that that she is convinced of its legislation or law (sharee 'ah). Therefore, she is convinced of Islam as a belief system and a law by which one governs and rules her life.
Two: Is the hijab then a part of Islamic Law (sharee'ah) and an obligation?
If this sister is honest and sincere in her intention and has looked into the issue as one who truly wants to know the truth her answer could only be: "Yes". For Allah Ta`ala, Whose Divinity (Uloohiyyah) she believes in has commanded wearing hijab in His Book (Al-Qur'an); and the noble Prophet, ( 'alaihi salaat wa salaam) whose message she believes in, has commanded wearing the hijab in his sunnah.
What do we call a person who says they believe in and are content with the correctness of Islam but who nonetheless does not do what Allah or His Messenger have ordered? Certainly they can in no way be described as those whom Allah speaks of in this ayah:
The only saying of the faithful believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say 'we hear and obey' and such are the successful. [Sura An-Noor 24:51]
In summary: If this sister is convinced of Islam, how then can she not be convinced of its orders?
Excuse Two: I am convinced of Islamic dress but my mother prevents me from wearing it and if I disobey her I will go to the Fire.
The one who has answered this excuse is the most noble of Allah's creation, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in concise and comprehensive words of wisdom: There is no obedience to the created in the disobedience of Allah. [Ahmed]
The status of parents in Islam, especially the mother, is a high and elevated one. Indeed Allah Ta`ala has combined it with the greatest of matters, worshipping Him and His tawheed, in many ayah.
He stated: Worship Allah and join none with Him and do good to parents. [Sura An-Nisaa 4:36] Obedience to parents is not limited except in one aspect, and that is if they order to disobedience of Allah. Allah said: But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. [Sura Luqmaan 31:15]
The lack of obedience to them in sinfulness does not prevent being good to them and kind treatment of them. Allah said afterward in the same ayah: But behave with them in the world kindly.
In summary: How can you obey your mother and disobey Allah, Who created you and your mother?
Excuse Three: My position does not allow me to substitute my dress for Islamic dress.
This sister is either one or the other of two types: She is sincere and honest, or she is a slippery liar who desires to make a showy display of her "hijab" clamoring with colors to be "in line with the times" and expensive.
We will begin with an answer to the honest and sincere sister:
Are you unaware my dear sister, that it is not permissible for the Muslim woman to leave her home in any instance unless her clothing meets the conditions of Islamic hijab (Hijab shar 'ee) and it is a duty of every Muslim woman to know what they are? If you have taken the time and effort to learn so many matters of this world how then can you be neglectful of learning those matters, which will save you from the punishment of Allah and His anger after death! Does Allah not say: Ask the people of remembrance (i.e. knowledgeable scholars) if you do not know. [Sura An-Nahl 16:43]. Learn therefore, the requirements of proper hijab.
If you must go out, then do so only with the correct hijab, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the degradation of Shaitaan. That is because the corruption brought about by your going out adorned and "beautified" is far greater than the matter, which you deem necessary to go out for.
My dear sister if you are really truthful in your intention and correctly determined you will find a thousands hands of good assisting you and Allah will make the matter easy for you! Is He not the One Who says: And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and He will provide him from sources he never could imagine. [Sura At-Talaaq 65:2-3]?
With regards to the 'slippery ' one we say: Honor and position is something determined by Allah Ta`ala and it is not due to embellishment of clothing and show of colors and keeping up with the trendsetters. It is rather due to obedience to Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and holding to the pure law of Allah and correct Islamic hijab. Listen to the words of Allah: Indeed, the most honorable amongst you are those who are the most pious. [Sura Al-Hujuraat 49:35]
In summary: Do things in the way of seeking Allah's pleasure and entering His Jannah and give less value to the high priced and costly objects and wealth of this world.
Excuse Four: It is so very hot in my country and I can't stand it. How could I take it if I wore the hijab?
Allah gives an example by saying: Say: The Fire of Hell is more intense in heat if they only understand. [Sura At-Taubah 9:81]
How can you compare the heat of your land to the heat of the Hellfire?
Know, my sister, that Shaitaan has trapped you in one of his feeble ropes to drag you from the heat of this world to the heat of the Hellfire. Free yourself from his net and view the heat of the sun as a favor and not an affliction especially in that it reminds you of the intensity of the punishment of Allah which is many times greater than the heat you now feel. Return to the order of Allah and sacrifice this worldly comfort in the way of following the path of salvation from the Hellfire about which Allah says: They will neither feel coolness nor have any drink except that of boiling water and pus. [Sura An-Naba ' 78:24-25]
In summary: The Jannah is surrounded by hardships and toil, while Hellfire is surrounded by temptations, lusts and desires.
Excuse Five: I'm afraid that if I wear the hijab I will take it off at another time because I have seen so many others do so!
To her I say: If everyone was to apply your logic then they would have left the Deen in its entirety! They would have left off salaat because some would be afraid of leaving it later. They would have left fasting in Ramadan because so many are afraid of not doing it later, etc. Haven 't you seen how Shaitaan has trapped you in his snare again and blocked you from guidance?
Allah Ta`ala loves continuous obedience even if it be small or recommended. How about something that is an absolute obligation like wearing hijab? The prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: The most beloved deed with Allah is the consistent one though it is little. Why haven 't you sought out the causes leading those people to leave off the hijab so that you can avoid them and work to keep away from them? Why haven 't you sought out reasons and causes to affirm truth and guidance until you can hold firm to them?
Among these causes is much supplication to Allah (du'aa) to make the heart firm upon the Deen as did the prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Also is making salaat and having mindfulness of it as Allah stated: And seek help in patience and the prayer and truly it is extremely heavy except for the true believers in Allah who obey Allah with full submission and believe in His promise of Jannah and in His warnings (Al-Khaashi 'oon). [Sura Al-Baqarah 2:45]
Other cause to put one upon guidance and truth is adherence to the laws of Islam and one of them is indeed wearing the hijab. Allah said: If they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them and would have strengthened their faith. [Sura Al-Baqarah 2:66]
In summary: If you hold tight to the causes of guidance and taste the sweetness of faith you will not neglect the orders of Allah after having held to them.
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