Rafed English

Rules of Namaz (prayer)

Of all the acts which were made wajib (compulsory) upon us, the greatest is namaz (prayer). Prayer reminds man that he is a slave of someone, he was created by someone, and he is dependent on someone. In upcoming topics, we will tell you about the true reality and purpose of prayer. Here we are writing those rules and method of prayer which were told to us by Masoomeen (as). You should keep in your mind that in Quran Allah has placed three types of obedience upon us. As it is stated in Quran, "Obey Allah, RasoolAllah (saw), and Olil Amr (Imam as)". Obeying any other than these three is haram (forbidden) and shirk fil ibadaat (shirk in worship). It does not matter whether your actions are good or bad. It only matters whose obedience you are in. Even if you are doing good deeds, but you are doing them without obeying Allah, RasoolAllah (saw), or Imam (as), then you are worshiping shaitan. If this same act is being performed under the obedience of Allah, RasoolAllah (saw), and Imam (as), then it is the worship of Allah. Whenever you have any problems, always look for its solution in the sayings of Allah. If you follow the fatwa of non masoom, then you will be opposing Allah and placing yourself in destruction.

There are a few aspects of prayer which are wajib (compulsory) to be performed. If you do not perform these acts, then your prayer is invalid. Apart from these acts, all other acts are mustahab (recommended) and do not invalidate one s prayer if they are not performed. It does not mean you should intentionally not perform them. These are the wajib acts of prayer.

1. Timing of prayer
2. Tahirat (wudhu)
3. Facing towards Qibla
4. Absolute attention. Your attention should not be diverted during prayer.
5. Rukoo
6. Sajda (prostration)
7. Recitation of Hamd and another sura

Adopted from the book: "Kashaful Salat" by: "Seyyed Baqir Nisar Zaidi"

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