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IntroductingImams of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah

The Ahl al-sunnah wa al- Jama,ah have devoted themselves to the four Imams, the leaders of the known schools of law, who are: Abu Hanifah, Malik, al-shafi and ahmad ibn Hanbal.

These four Imams have neither been among the prophet's Companions (Sahabah) nor the followers (Tabi'un), and neither has the prophet (S) recoganized or met them, nor have they known or met him. The distance between the eldest of them --Abu Hanifah --and the prophet (S) was more than a hundered years, since he was born in 80 Hijrah and was dead in 150 H. Their youngest, Ahmad ibn Hambal, was born 165H. and died in 241H. this is in regard to the branches of religion (Furu al-Din).

Concerning Usul al-Din (principal of religion), Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah refer to al-Imam Abu al-Hassan 'Ali ibn Isma'il al-Ash'ari, who was born in 270H. and died in 335 H.

These are the Imams of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al- Jama'ah for whom they have devoted themselves in respect of principales and branches of religion. Can you see among them one of the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt, or any of the prophet's Companions? Or has the prophet (S) introduced any of them or made a guide for the Ummah?? No, nothing of the sort can be there, and about other things you can talk with no blame.

If Ahl al-Sunnah claim being committed to the prophetic Sunnah, why have then these schools emerged so late till that era? where have Ahl al-Sunnah been therefore the emregence of these schools of law? In what they believed, and to whom they were referring?

How could they devoted themselves to men who never lived in the lifetime of the prophet (S), without even recognizing him, but were born after the occurance of the sedition, and eruption of fighting among the companions, in which they killed and charged with disbelief each other, and after the Caliphs interpreted the Qur'an and Sunnah according to their desires, exerting their opinions as regards them both. Also after Yazid seized the caliphate, proscribing al-Medinah for this army to do whatever they desired. So corruption prevailed everywhere, and the best of the Companions who refused to acknowledge him have been killed, and all kinds of debauchereis and vices prevailed everywhere.

So how could a man of reason rely upon such Imams descending from such a human caste, being polluted by the mires of sedition, suckled its blesmished milk, and grown up on its cunning and trickish means, which invested them with false knowledge medals. None of them became prominent except those with whom the rulers were pleased, and they were pleased with them.65

How could anyone, claiming to be committed to the Sunnah, abandon al-'Imam 'Ali, the gate of the city of knowledge, with al-'Imam al-Hasan and al-'Imam al-Husayn, the two masters of the youth of Paradise, and the Pure Imams from the Prophet's Kindered ('Itrah), who inherited the knowledge of their grandfather the Prophet (S), and follow imams having no knowledge of the Prophetic Sunnah, but being only a making of the Umayyad policy?

How could Ahl al-Sunnah claim to be followers of the Prophetic Sunnah whlie describing its guardians? Rather how dare they neglect the Prophet's precepts and commandments to cling to the Pure Progeny, and claim then to be followers of the Sunnah?!

Can any Muslim aware of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Islamic history, doubt that the Shi'ah --who imitate and follow the guide of the Prophet's 'Itrah,--to be the true followers of Prophetic Sunnah, and none other than them has any right to claim it?

Everyone can precieve how the facts are reversed, and how politics can demonstrate falsehood as truth and truth as falsehood! The Prophet's followers and 'Itrah are called Rawafid and heretics who disregarded the Prophet's Progeny and Sunnah, and followed ijtihad of despotic rulers, are called "Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah"! How wonderful is this!

I am cetain that Quraysh has invented this title, and it is one of its secrets and enigmas. We came to know earlier that Quraysh has forbidden 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr from writing the Prophetic Sunnah, with the pretext that the Prophet was not infallible.

Quraysh is in fact a group of certain people having influence, fataticism and spritual power among the Arab tribes, being called sometimes by some historians as "Dahat al'-Arab" (meaning sages of Arabs), due to their cunningness and sagacity and superiority in managing the affairs, and are called by others "Ahl al-Hall wa al-'Aqd" (conductors of affairs). They include Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, Abu Sufyan, his son Mu'awiyah, 'Amr ibn al-'As, al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, Marwan ibn al-Hakam, Talhah ibn 'Ubayd Allah, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf and Abu Ubaydah 'Amir ibn al-Jarrah, and others66

They may gather to consult each other and determine in an affair on which they occur, so they make up their minds about it, then they spread it among people so that it become a factual matter and a followed reality, without the People's awareness of the secret behind this.

An example for their cunningness can be found in their claim that Muhammad was not ma'sum (infallible), and he --like all other human beings --may err and commit a mistake, so that they would be little him and debate him about truth, while knowing it to be truth.

Also their slandering and abusing against 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, and cursing him with the nickname of Abu Turab, and presenting him to people as the enemy of Allah and His Messenger.

They also used to abuse and curse the noble Companion 'Ammar ibn Yasir, by calling him 'Abd Allah ibn Saba' or Ibn al-Sawda' (son of the black woman), since he was opposing the (three) caliphs and inviting people to acknowlege 'Ali as an Imam.67

They too used to call the Shi'ah, who supported 'Ali, with the name Rawafid, to blink facts and make people think the Shi'ah rejected Muhammad and followed the guide of 'Ali .

Further they used to call themselves "Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah" to cheat the faithful believers of their being committed to the Prophetic Sunnah, against the Rawafid who reject it.

In fact they mean by the sword (Sunnah) to ominous bersey that they innovated, of slandering and cursing Amir al-Mu'minin, and the Prophet's Household, over the tribuness (manabir) of all mosques of Muslims and in all countries, towns and villages. This hersey lasted for eighty years, to the extent that when their orator intended to descend to perform prayer before cursing 'Ali, those present in the mosque would shout:"You have left the sunnah "twice.

When 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz intended to substitute this sunnah with the Almighty's saying: "Lo! Allah enjoineth justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk,..."(16:90), they conspried against him and killed him, since he has obliterated their sunnah stulfying thus the beliefs of his ancestors who brought him to power. So they slew him by poison at the age of eighty-three, after ruling for only two years, being thus a victim of reformation, since his cousins the Umayyads could never endure his striving to exterminate their sunnah, elevating thus the status of Abu Turab and the Imams among his sons.

After the decline of the Umayyad state, the power was seized by the Abbasids who in their turn, suppressed the Imams of Ahl al- Bayt and their Shari'ah, till the reign of Ja'afar ibn al-Mu'tasim who was called "al- Mutawakil ". He was the staunchest enemy of Ali and his sons, that his hatred and grudge (against Ahl al-Bayt) pushed him to dig out al-Husayn's tomb in Karbala;preventing people from visiting his shrine, 68 granting no one any stipend but to those abusing Ali and his sons.

The eposide of al-Mutawakkil with the famous grammarian Ibn al-Sikkit is known for all, that he killed him in the ugliest way, by extracing his tongue from its rear, whien he realized that he was loyalty following Ali and his Household, whilst he (ibn al-Sikkit) was the tutor of his two sons.

Al-Mutawakil's grudge was so intense that he gave orders to kill every new-born child given name of Ali, since this name was the most hated one to him .Once the poet Ali ibn al- Jaham came to al-Mutawakil and told him:O Amir al- mumineen my perant have been undutiful towards me " Al -Mutawakil asked him :why ?He replied : "Because thay imparted on me the name Ali whereas I hate this name and hate whoever holds it ". Al- Mutawakill smiled and granted him a gift.

Futher, he used to arrange a gathering in which poeple would make fun of and humiliate "Ali. It is inevitable to mention here that Mutawakil, whose hypocracy and debauchery were proved through his hatred towards Ali was loved by Ahl al-Hadith, who used to call him Muhyi al-Sunnah (Revivalist of the Sunnah) .

And since Ahl al-Hadith are " Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Ja ma'ah ", so this could be an irrefutable evidence that what they meant by sunnah was nothing but detesting, cursing and proclaiming antipahty against 'Ali, being but an open hostility(nasb).

This can be made clearer by al Khwarazmi's statement in his book :"Even that Harun ibn al-Khayzaran and Ja'afar al-Mutawakkil (upon that Satan not the Benefiecent), were not paying anyone except those who would slander Al Abi Talib,and support the school of Nawasib ".69

It is reported also by Ibn Hajar from 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal that he said:When Nasir ibn 'Ali ibn Sahban said that the Messenger of Allah (S) took the hands of al-Hasan and al-Husayn saying:" Whoever loves me and these two and their father and mother, he will win my position on the Doomsday", al-Mutawakkil ordered to beat him a thousand lashes, until he was about to die, whereat Ja'far ibn 'Abd al-Wahid intervened and said to him: "O Amir al-Mu'minin, he is from among ahl al-Sunnah ", and insisted till persuading him to release him (Nasir)".70

This is another explicit evidence that Ahl al-Sunnah are the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt, whom al-Mutawakkil hated, and used to kill whoever mentioned any of their virtues, even without being one of their Shi'ah.

Ibn Hajar reports also in his book that 'Abd Allah ibn Idris al'-Azdi was a possessor of Sunnah and Jama'ah and was firm in the Sunnah, well-pleased and 'Uthman.71

Also 'Abd Allah ibn 'Awn al-Basri said (about him): "He was trusthworthy and a man of devotion and firmness in the Sunnah, and severe against the heretics, and Ibn Sa'd said that he was 'Uthmani.72

It is reported also that Ibrahim ibn Ya'qub al-Juzjani was Harizi al-madhhab (i.e following the school of Hariz ibn 'Uthman al-Dimashqi) who was known of nasb (open hostility against Ahl al-Bayt), and Ibn Hayyan said that he was firm in the Sunnah.73

Thus we came to know that open hostility and hatred against 'Ali and his sons, and abusing Al Abi Talibb and cursing Ahl al-Bayt were regarded firmness in the Sunnah,and we realized that the Uthmanis are people of nasb and hostility against Ahl al-Bayt, and are severe against whoever follows the guide of 'Ali and his progeny. Also they mean by heretics (Ahl al-bida') the Shi'ah that believed in 'Ali's Imamate, since they view this as a heresy due to its disagreement with what the sahaba, al-kulafah al-Rashidun and al-Salaf al- salih called for including dismissing him and not recognizing his Imamate and guardianship (wisayah).

There are numerous historical evidences for confirming this proof, but what we mentiond, though brief, is sufficient for seekers of research and investigation. The researchers can get much more information if they wish (from other sources).

The Qur'an says:

"As for those who strive in us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and Lo! Allah is with the good". (29:69)


65. In the coming chapters it will be exposed that is the Umayyad and 'Abbasid rulers who have created and imposed thsee creeds (madhahib).

66.We have excepted from them al-'Imam 'Ali (A) as he distinguishes between the sagacity of wisdom and good management and that of deception, cheating and hypocrisy. More than once he said: "Had deception and hypocrisy not been there I would have been seen the most sagacious of Arabs". It is said in the Qura'n too: "They plot, but Allah (also) plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters". God's plot is wisdom and good management, while that of polythiest is deception, hypocrisy, falsehood and lie.

67. It is better to refer in this respect to the book "al-Silah bayn al-tasawwuf wa al-tashayyu', by Dr. Mustafa Kamil al-Shabibi al-Misri, who has exposed through ten strong proofs that 'Abd Allah ibn saba', the Jew or son of the black woman is in fact our master 'Ammar ibn Yasir (may God be pleased with him).

68. If the caliph be in such a degree of vileness and meanness, by digging out the graves of Ahl al-Bayt Imams, particularly that of al-Imam al-Husayn (A), so never inquire then about what they did for the Shi'ah who were seeking blessing through visiting the grave. The suffering and ordeal of the Shi'ah reached an extent that every Muslim desired to be accused of being a Jew not a Shi'i. No might and power is there save from Allah.

69. kitab al-Khwarazmi, p.135.

70. Tahdhib al-tadhib, by Ibn Hajar, translated by Nasir ibn 'Ali ibn Sahban.

71. Ibid, vol. v.p.145. It is known that the Uthmanis used to curse 'Ali, accusing him of slaying 'Uthman ibn 'Affan.

72. Ibid, vol.v. p.348.

73. Ibid, vol. i, p.82.

Adapted from the book: "The Shi'ah; The Real Followers of the Sunnah" by: "Dr. Muhamad al-Tijahi al-Samawi"

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