Rafed English
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We have already known that the Shi'ah, due to their being followers of the guide of the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (A), have never adopted exertion of opinion or qiyas, but rather they have forbidden such practices, since the prophetic texts have being the source of legislation for them, being transmitted by one form the other, and we have mentioned al-Sahifah al-Jami'ah that measured seventy cubits, containing all rules needed by Muslims till the Doomsday.

We came to know also that Ahl al-Sunnah have no alternative but to act according to opinion and qiyas, due to the absence of the Prophetic texts as their chiefs and masters have rejected and burnt them, preventing people from writing and propagating them.

Then the supporters of ijtihad and exerting the opinion have resorted to fabricate a hadith, ascribing it to the Prophet (S), with the aim of reinforcing their creed (madhhab) and obscuring the Truth with falsehood. So they said that the Prophet (S) asked Mu'adh ibn Jabal at the time of sending him to Yemen: How would you judge when facing any judicial question (mas'alah)? Said Mu'adh: I judge with the Book of Allah. The Prophet (S) said: If it (the solution) is not found therein? He replied: I judge with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (S). The Prophet said: If it is not found in His Messenger's Sunnah (what to do?) Threat Mu'adh said: If I can't find it, I exert my opinion. The Prophet (S) said then: Praise belongs to Allah Who granted the emissary of His Messenger success towards that what pleases Allah and His Messenger.

This hadith is verily false (batil), and far from being uttered by the Messenger of Allah (S), as how could the Prophet say to Mu'adh:"If you do not find (the answer) in Allah's Book and His Messenger's Sunnah? ",while Allah says to His Messenger. "And We reveal the scripture unto thee as an exposition of all things..." (16:89), and He says further: "We have neglected nothing in the Book (or Our creeds)". (6:38), beside His saying: "And whatsover the Messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsover he forbiddeth, abstain (from it) ". (59:7)

Moreover He said to His Messenger: "Lo! We reveal unto thee the Scripture with the truth, that thou mayst judge between mankind by that which Allah showed thee".(4:105)

After all these verses how would the Prophet say to Mu'adh: If you do not find it (the solution) in Allah's Book and His Messenger's Sunnah?! Is this other than a confession that Allah's Book and His Messenger's Sunnah being incomplete and have never exposed all the judicial rules!

It may be claimed by someone that: This hadith may be said by Mu'adh ibn Jabal in the begining of the da'wah (invitation to Islam), and he has not completed if after revelation of the Qur'an.

Our reply will be as follows: This is not accepted and is untrue.

The first reason is due to Mu'adh's saying:

"I judge according to the Book of Allah", meaning that Allah's Book has been complete. If we observe also his saying: "I judge according to the Sunnah of His Messenger", we will apprehend with no doubt that this hadith hadith has been very lately composed, at the time of prevalence of adopting ijtihad against nusus (texts), since the term (the Book of Allah and Sunnah of His Messenger) used to be refered to after the Prophet's (S) demise.

The second reason for its being untrue, is that it will become (if accepted) a hujjah (plea) to be produced by whoever being unaware of the rulers of Allah and His Messenger (S), to judge according to his opinion as he wishes, without bothering himself to be acquainted with the nusus.

The third reason being the holy verses:

"Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers". (5:44)

"Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed : such are wrong doers".(5:45)

"Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are evil-livers".(5:47)

Fourthly, due to the fact that whoever is unaware of the rules (of Allah and His Messenger) has no right to judge or give legal verdicts, till he recognizes the judgement (hukum) of Allah and His Messenger in the matter.

The Prophet himself, though being God's Messenger and granted by Allah the right to legislate for the Ummah, by His saying: "And it becometh not a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided an affair (for them), that they should (after that) claim any say in their affair (33:36), still he has never given any rule, throughout all his lifetime, in any affair according to opinion or qiyas, or ijtihad, but he has all the time been following and adopting the Divine texts, brought down by Jabriel (A) wherever necessary, all the narrations contradicting this fact are only fabrications.

For assuring the reader more, I will cite an evidence from the Sihah of Ahl al-Sunnah:

It is reported by al-Bukhari in his Sahih:

"Whenever the Prophet (S) was asked about that which no revelation (wahy) was descended, he would say: I know not, or he would not give any reply till the descent of revelation upon him, and he never applied the exertion of opinion or qiyas, as ordained by Allah in His Book: "...by that Which Allah showeth thee". (4:105)132

Listen to the following verse stated by the Lord of all worlds to His Messenger: "And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed ..." (5:48).

In another verse it is said to the Prophet (S): "Lo! We reveal unto thee the Scripture with the truth, that thou mayst judge between mankind by that which Allah showeht thee..."(4:105).

So if they give witness that the Prophet (S) has never acted by opinion (ra'y) or qiyas, how come that they have granted themselves the right to act by that?! How do they contradict the rulers of Allah and Sunnah of His Messenger, and claim after that of being Ahl al-Sunnah?! How surprising and strange is that!


132. Sahih al-Bikhari vol. viii, p.148, kitab al-'it'isam bi al-kitab wa al-Sunnah.

Adapted from the book: "The Shi'ah; The Real Followers of the Sunnah" by: "Dr. Muhamad al-Tijahi al-Samawi"