Rafed English
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Before we can explain the rules of namaz (prayer), we must first explain those things which are compulsory to do before the prayer can be performed. The first thing is tahirat (cleanliness). When you go for prayer, your body, dress, and the place where you will perform your prayers must be clean. After tahirat, the second most important thing is wudhu (ablution).

The following are compulsory for performing wudhu:

1. Niyyat (intention): There is a niyyat (intention) for wudhu the same way there is a niyyat for all other aspects of religion. Niyyat (intention) is related to one s heart. It is not compulsory to say the words out loud. It is enough to make one s intention in one s heart. You should make this intention before performing wudhu: " I am doing wudhu for removing any impurity and to make my pr ayer mubah. W ajib qurbatan illallah".

2. Water for wudhu must be tahir (pure). It should not be mixed with anything which will change its color or taste. However, if the color and the taste of water changes on its own, then you can do wudhu with this type of water. If pure water is available, then you cannot do wudhu with water whose color has changed on its own.

3. You should be the owner of the water. It should not be usurped from another. If you are not the owner, then you must obtain the permission of the owner before using it.

4 . You should be the owner of the place in which you are performing wudhu. It should not be usurped from another. If you are not the owner, then you must obtain the permission of the owner before using it.

5. Before performing wudhu, your body, dress, and the place where you are going to pray must be pak (clean).

6. The pot which you are using for wudhu should not be made from silver or gold. It should not be usurped from any other. No picture should be printed upon the pot.

7. You should perform the wudhu yourself without the help of any other. However, if there is a reason you are unable to perform wudhu by yourself, then you can obtain the help of another.

8. The water must completely cover all of those parts which are included in wudhu. If there is an obstacle, i.e. ring etc., then it should be removed befor e performing wudhu.

9. You should not talk during wudhu.

Adopted from the book: "Kashaful Salat" by: "Seyyed Baqir Nisar Zaidi"