Rafed English

Jesus and Husain

THE HOLY QUR'AN asserts in unequivocal terms that Jesus was neither killed nor crucified by the people:

4:157 and 158.

Even taking for granted the statement of our Christian brethren the crucifixion of Jesus under the evidence of the Holy Bible of the Christian Church itself, can never be a martyrdom at all as the Bible says that Jesus avoided the end by hiding himself, which suggests his unwillingness to meet death in the cause of Truth. Besides, when caught by the enemies, he began imploring God to see that the cup was passed over and he be saved, and while he was put on the cross as alleged by the Christian belief, he began crying aloud to God in agony saying that he had been forsaken by Him. Could this be becoming even of any ordinary believer in God with the conviction of his faith in Him ? How could such a weak-hearted one totally void of faith in the All-Merciful Lord, be a religious leader, even that the son of God ? How could the one forsaken by God be the saviour of Humanity ? The Bible itself declares :-

"And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed saying, 0' my Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Math. 26:39 "And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli Lama Sabachthani," to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me." Math. 27:46

The above statement of the Bible of the Christian Church establishes the following points against Jesus:-

1. Jesus was frightened of death.

2. Jesus was unwilling to drink the cup of death in the way of the Lord.

3. Jesus wanted God to avoid his drinking the cup of death.

4. Jesus wanted God to avoid His Will to take place.

5. In the agony against the fear of death Jesus lost all faith in God and believed to have been forsaken by Him. Thus according to his own words, the forsaken son can do nothing for others for he himself has been forsaken.

Let us take the case of Husain.

1. Husain travelled all the distance from Madina to Karbala to drink the cup of death accompanied by untold miseries and tortures.

2. Husain offered not only himself but the dearest ones of his nearest kith and kin, and the sincerest of friends with matchless faith in God and devotion to Him.

3. At every step, Husain suffered the worst tortures and the greatest loss with perfect patience, fortitude, submission and surrender to the Divine Will, every time praying for his offerings to be accepted by the Lord.

4. While under the swords of the heartless assassins, he only prayed to God for the salvation of the Faithful, far from being a complainant, he prayed for his sacrifices to be accepted.

He proved his being the Greatest Martyr, the King of Martyrs, who offerd not only himself but his dearest ones counted to about seventy-two, by glorifying God in God's own Words when his head was severed and raised on the point of the lance.

In short, Husain's martyrdom has no parallel in the history of Mankind.

The following statement is taken from the research work by the great scholar Imaduddin Husain Ispahani known as Imad Zadeh, Tehran. His inquiry is based upon the following sources:

1. Tabari.

2. Ibne Athir.

3. Kitabul jamal of Shaik Mufted.

4. Rijal Mumqani.

5. Abu Maqnaf.

6. Zakhiratud Darain.

7. Hadaiq.

8. Irshad.

9. Oyaonal Akhbiar.

10. Monaqib-e-ibne-Shahr-Ashoob.

11. Absarul Ain fi Ansaral Husain.

12. Kifayatur Taleb.

13. Tabaqaat ibne Sa'd.

14. Badayah-wan-Nehayah.

15. Al-Husain-(Egyptian-Edition).

16. Majalis-e-Ismail (Constantinople Edition).

17. Minhaj-as-Sanah of Ibne Taimiah.

18. Amaali ibne Shaikh (Iranian Edition).

19. Masadal jahiliah (of Md' bin Abdul Wahab).

20. Aasarul Baqiah.

21. Beharul Anwaar-e-Majlisis.

22. Al Ardhu wat Turbatual Husain (Ayatullah Kashiful-Ghita).

Adapted from the book: "Husain; The Saviour of Islam" by: "S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali"

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