Rafed English
site.site_name : Rafed English

A Command of God

He was sitting among fourty of the tribe's men... They were listening to the prophet's (S) speech after the holy verse descended on him "And admonish thy nearest kinsmen"
While He was saying to them: I would call you for two light words on your tongue..., heavey in the measure..., by them you will dominate Arab and non-Arab..., The nations will follow you..., by them you will enter the paradise..., by them you will save your selves from the hell... these are: There is no God but God and I am the messenger of God. So who will comply with me for this matter... And fortify me to carry it out, He will be my brother. May caretaker. My supporter. My inheritor. And my Khalif "regent" after me....

The prophet is still repeating his speech, Didn't receive any reply from any one,
unless that one who was sitting among them... Although he was the youngest of All the presents... But while he heard the messengers (S) voice, He stood up and said with certainty in every time: O, messenger I will support you for this matter...
Bat the prophet (S) replayed him: Sit down...
Then he repeated his message on their ears...
O, my chief O, Allah's messenger do you wait an other one than this young boy. And you are the more knowing than all people by him...?!
Isn't he the person who was among his brothers whom you have chosen to live with you? And his age wasn't more than six years at that time...

So you made him grows under your care, and drinks from your science sources... You were huging him to your chest... and chewing the food then you put it in his mouth... Who was other than him is aquinted with you while you were close to him in Harrae cavern every year, thus he sees you and no one other than him does see you...?
Is there other than this youngster who smelled the prophetic's fragrance..., and saw the afflatus' and mission's flowers since his tender age...? And took the knowledge from you until he asked you one day after he heard a resonance slips to his ears: O, God's Apostle... what is this resonance?! So you answered him: This is the Satan who despaired from his worship… you are hearing what am I hearing, and you are see what I see am but you aren't a prophet… your are my minister....

O, Allah's apostle is there other than him...? Who attended your spiritual situation which you were passing through it when you were retiring in Harea cavern... Until he became sure of every thing so he needn't for you to call him for Islam.
Surly he is Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), who isn't affected by any thing of ignorant epoch, and he didn't harmonize with it... and already he was well informed about your mission affair and your mission system... So he announced his credence with you and sure of you until he said: The messenger of Allah (S) instructed me thousand fields of science, and thousand fields of every field are opened for me...
At last, the prophet (S) said that to Ali (a.s.):- Sit, surly you are my brother, my care taker, my supporter, my inheritor and my caliph after me.

Then people raised while they were talking to Abi Talib and mocking at him: Be delight in this day if you embraced your brother's belief, already he made your son a prince on you...
Is there other than Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) the youngster whom Allah (s.w.t.) honored him by which he didn't honor other than him with it even form the prophets... and that by entertaining his mother Fatima the daughter of Asad in his noble house... that she entered to bear him there... then she born him. Truly he was with a nice face, happy and tidy... then Allah (s.w.) fed his mother from the paradise fruits while she was still in this world... and He (s.w.) commanded her as He said: O, Fatima nominate him Ali... I have derived his name from my name..., Cultured him by my politeness..., and informed him with the obscure of my science...

so blessed to whom has loved and obeyed him... and the woe to whom has heated and resisted him... O, Allah's messenger every thing that Allah (s.w.) had made of Ali's (a.s.) stature since his birth moment in his noble house... until your mission moment wasn't unless to be your caliph and your supporter...

And the years pass sequential... until that appointed day arrived... Oh, what a day was it... the weather was very hut at that mid day... And thousands of the caravans were returning from Hajj with the prophet (s) and their feet were burnt by the sands warmth intensity... the desert simoom was scorching their faces under the sun flame... and the most effective thing of these situations, that was engaging their chests..., already the prophet (s) alluded to them through the rites of pilgrimage which made them feel that, this Hajj is the last for him (s)...

The caravans continued their walking until they reached to a place that the pilgrims' cities roads ramify from it, which is called Ghadeer Khom...
People heard a sound that commanded them to stop... so they looked at back while they were asking what happened at this time and in these situations...?!
So there were many persons who were acting to supply some of the tents to erect them in specific places...
They were query and probably at that moment they didn't know that the prophet (s) didn't do that a cording to His desire, but according to Allah's (s.w.) command, which Jibrael Ameen "reliable" had revealed to the prophet (s) addressing to him:

"O, Apostle! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people..."
It was called to the midday prayer... then the prophet (s) led the throng groups in the prayer and at that day which was very hot so that the man was putting apart of his clothing on his head and apart of it under his feet because of the sweltering bay.

When the messenger (s) has finished his prayer... He stood as a preacher on the camels' "aktaab" among these groups and raised his sound for their ears and said: "Praise be to God... we beseech him for help. Believe with Him, recommended one's soul to Him and we seek refuge by God from our selves' evils and from our bad deeds... who there is no guide to whom he has strayed... and there is no misleader to whom he has guided...
O, people the most kind, the adept have told me that there is no a prophet has lived long unless such as the age of the prophet who was before him... And I am about to die then I am responsible and also are you what are you answer?
They replayed: We certify that you have communicated, endeavored and admonished so God remunerates you...

Then he expressed: Are you testify that there is no God but God, and that Mohammad is his man and his messenger, and his paradise is truth... his hellfire is truth..., the death is truth..., the resurrection is truth..., and there is no distrust that the Hour of resurrection is coming... and Allah will resurrect whom they are in the tombs...

Then they answered: We certify with that, he followed: O, God testify... O, people indeed that Allah is my lord... and I am the believers' chief..., I am worthier by them than them selves...
And Imam Ali (a.s.) was already beside him, he took his hand, holding it up with his hand... until people watched their white armpits... and raised His voice: Therefore whom I was his chief this Ali is his chief, O, God stand by who has stood by him, antagonize who has antagonized him, like who has liked him, hate who has hated him..., advocate who has advocated him, disappoint who has disappointed him and rotate the genuine with him where he has rotated...
O, people I am the foremost of you... and truly you are arriving on me at the basin "Houd"... basin, it's width is between Busrah and Sanae there are tumblers made of silver as number as the stars in it...
So you see how will you follow me in the two important things... I will ask you for them while you come on me at the basin...
The greatest thing is Allah's (s.w.) book which is one side of it is in Allah's (s.w.) liability and the other side of it is in your hands...

So you keep on it you will not fail... and the other greatest thing is my issue, my house hold...
And the most kind, the omniscient Allah had informed me that they wouldn't separate until they come on me at the basin... so I asked my God for that to them... thus don't precede them you will fail... and don't neglect from them you will fail also... so the present person may inform the absent person of you...

Khadeer Chom witnessed a special sentiment and flavor that it's incidents would be unforget at the human... so this communication has come synchronized with the farewell terms to stay alive n the nation's mind, conscience and their memory... then people have crowded on him to induct him... and the two Shaiqs Abu Bakr, and Umar the son of Khattab came to the messenger (s) and asked him: Is this command from you or from Allah...?!
The prophet (s) replayed as He said: Is this be form other than Allah's command...?!!! Then Umar the son of Khattab approached to the believers' commander Ali (a.s.) and greeted him and said? O, commander of faithful peace be up on you bravo, bravo for you O, Ali... already you became my master and the master of every faithful man and faithful woman ...

and also Abu Bakr had done the same thing that Umar had done in the presence of those crowds.
In spite of every thing that happened through the auspicious Al-Khadeer homage of the prophets (s) confirmation however that the caliphate belongs to Ali the son of Abi- Taalib (a.s.) after the prophet (s), which was a command from the God (s.w.) there is no role in donating it a cording to his craving because of the relation ship between him and Ali- ibni-abi-Talib (a.s.). But he was known about what will happen after his death (s) and here is he calling Ali (a.s.) and a group of his companions at one night to go out with him to Baqie ... while He was felling with His sanitary condition deterioration... and the approaching of his (s) death instant (s), thus He stood Among the cemeteries and shouted the believers died bodies: O, the cemeteries' inhabitants peace be up on you... be enjoy by which you have become in... of which people are busy with, that the riots had come as the dark night pieces, it's beginning follows its lastest...
Then he asked God's the forgiveness for them several time... and announced the death of himself so long to whom was presented from the believers...

The prophet (s) has ordered to supply an army, He put the aged immigrants and defenders' in it among them Aba-Bakr... Umar the son of Khattab... Ausman the son of Affan and others... and He chose the young companion of him Ausameh the son of Zayed the son of Al- Harith Haritheh as a leader for the army... And at the same time which the prophet (s) was suffering from his illness violence..., Umar the son of Khattab, Abu Bakr and Ausman apologized to join with Usameh's army..., In spite of the prophet (s) said at that time: Allas' malediction on every one who has stayed behind of Ausameh's army...!!
They would alleged that they were unable to let the prophet (s) as he was in his extremely illness case..., But while His Holy head (s) has drooped in Ali the son of Abi Talib's (s) lap and expired...

These three individuals went out and let the prophet's (s) position and repaired to Bani Saaideh shelter to hold a session in order to nominate whom will replace the prophet (s) to lead the Muslims..., by that, they ignored the prophets (s) speech also they have ignored every thing that happened through the Ghadeer homage which is no longer when it is happened.
So by this, they have proved on their breach from that blessing homage in Khadeer Khom... also sufficient unto us is the prophets (s) speech while he has been addressed Ali (a.s.): O, Ali there is no one like you unless the believer... and there is no one hate you unless the dissembler or illegitimate... And there, under that sinister shelter, Aumar began to recognize Abi Bakr as a caliph... and asked the presents to recognize him as he did ...

And the news reached to Imam Ali's (a.s.) hearing, because of the clamor which is happened while people walked out from the shelter and went to the prophetic Mosque...
While they were given away Aba Bakir as the bride's weeding in the same time that Imam Ali (a.s.) and the prophetic house hold (a.s.) were busy by supply, washing, shrouding, praying, and burying the prophet's (s) body...
And because of that Imam Ali (a.s.) wasn't satisfied for what is happened, so he continued keeping on his right with the Khilafeh, defending for Islam and Muslims, turning to answer the difficulties, enduring the agonies and forbearing until the most rogue got out to color his divine beard, and to bereave all the Islamic nation with him, so that was at night of the eighteenth of Ramadan month 41 A.H.