Rafed English
site.site_name : Rafed English

IT IS REPORTED that once, in Kufa, Shimar was convicted and imprisoned during the rule of Ali. Through the window of the prison, Shimar saw Husain passing by, and cried aloud:-

"0 Son of the Apostle of God; I intercede on my behalf to thy Father Ali and get me free from this prison."

Husain went straight to his Father Ali and appealed for mercy for Shimar.

Ali asked : "Dost thou know, Husain, that this is Shimar, he would be the murderer of Mine and the Torturer of thy family at Karbala?" Husain said : "Father! I am the Son of the Apostle of God who is the mercy unto the worlds and thy Son who is Commander of the faithful and the Reliever of the distressed ones and the Son of Fatema the Lady of Paradise and the Liberator of the sinners-Shimar has appealed for mercy through me-Father! I will act as I should, and let Shimar act as he liketh."

Thus Shimar was granted mercy and the same Shimar was the one who severed the head of Husain in Karbala and raised it on his lance, and tortured his family and children.

Adapted from the book: "Husain; The Saviour of Islam" by: "S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali"