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Curing Ailments

The Earth of Karbala

There are several ahadith (traditions) in Tufatuz Za-ir, Safinatun Najat and Mafatihun Najat that the earth of Karbala (from the precinct of the resting place of Imam Husayn), known as khak shifa, cures every ailment save the deadly disease (by which death has been decreed).

lmam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq said:

At the time of eating khak shifa [for picking and holding it see (ii) below] for curing a disease say:

In the name of Allah, for Allah, O Allah, the Lord of this sacred, helpful earth, the Lord of the light which is in it, the Lord of the body which is resting in it, the Lord of the guardian angels, let it cure my disease (mention the name of the disease, then kiss the earth and eat it with some water and continue), O Allah let this pure earth be a source of abundant means of livelihood, useful knowledge and a remedy for all (my) pains and ailments


(mention the name of the disease, then kiss the earth and eat it with some water and continue)


It is also mentioned in some books that the lmam had said that the earth should not be more than a seed of grain.

lmam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq said:

Before picking khak shifa recite:

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, O Allah I beseech You in the name of this earth, in the name of the angel who has gathered it, in the name of the prophet who made it free from anything impure, in the name of (his) vicegerent who stayed here, send blessings on Muhammad and on his family, and let this earth cure and heal all my ailments and keep me safe from all fears.


Then lmam also said:

When you have picked khak shifa recite:

Surah al Fatihah, Surah Ya Sin, Surah al Qadr, Surah Al Kafirun, Surah al Ikhlas, Surah al Falaq, Surah al Nas & Ayatal Kursi

And the following dua:

O Allah, in the name of Muhammad, Your servant, Your dearest friend. Your prophet, Your messenger, Your trustee; in the name of Amir aI Mumeneen Ali ibn Abi Talib, Your servant, brother of Your messenger; in the name of Fatimah, daughter of Your Prophet and wife of Your Wali; in the name of Hasan and Husayn, in the name of the rightly guided guides; in the name of the guardian angel; in the name of the body covered by it; in the name of all angels and messengers, make this earth cure my disease and also of those who beseech You for removal of ailments, pains, diseases; and keep me (and all the beseechers) protected from all fears. O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad and his family, let this (earth) give me useful knowledge, abundant means of livelihood, let it cure my pains and diseases, let it keep me safe from misfortunes; injuries, all kinds of pains. Verily You have power over all things. O Allah, the Lord of this sacred, blessed earth and the angel who descended on it and the vicegerent who is resting under it, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and let it help me and benefit me. Verily You have power over all things.



Sayyid ibni Ta-us in Mahajul Da -wat writes many merits of this du-a'a.

If this du-a'a is recited for a person in trance or unconsciousness or temporary insanity, he or she shall become normal.

It is also recited to make a woman give birth to a living child if there were several miscarriages.

To seek forgiveness of sins and to get enough sustenance, recite this du-a'a on 40 consecutive Fridays, after sunset.

O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.

O Allah, truly, I beseech You. O He who is beyond the visual range

of created beings on account of the splendor of His light.

O he was demonstrates Himself through His majesty and might, and

makes known His purity and holiness by doing good (to His creation).

O He who is high and exalted in glory and greatness, having no equal in

distinction and eminence. O He who separates the good from the bad, in all affairs, how much intricate or remote they may be, for readily they lay bare every secret, in no time, on receiving His command.

O He in answer to whose call stood firm the heavens and the earths.

O He who made the skies more beautiful by decorating it with twinkling

stars, also a (useful) guide for the people wandering in (darkness).

O He who, very kindly, with delicate fineness, gave brightness to the moon,

to spread soft light I the gloomy dark night.

O He who filled the sun with radiating luminous energy, to make easy, for

mankind, pursuit of economic activity, and also a sure sign, separating

night form the day by His ever-dominating authority.

O He to who (alone) we must bow down to show gratitude in return of the

inundating downpour of His favors and bounties.

I beseech You, in the name of the intricate, strongly tied, hard to understand glory of Your arsh (seat of divine authority); (in the name of) the utmost mercy of Your book, and (in the name) of all names, which are Yours, (You) referred to Yourself, or You chose for Yourself, but kept in Your transcendental wisdom; (In the name of) all Your names, which are Yours, (You) revealed in Your book, or (those name which are) firmly and permanently learnt by heart by the pure ever prostrating (angles) all over Your arsh; and from their secret thoughts comes to the forefront sincere expression of unique and incomparable oneness of Allah (monotheism); and sure affirmation of Your singleness (without an equal), sharing together, with total submissiveness to You.

Verily You are Allah. You are Allah. You are Allah. there is no god except

You. And I beseech You, in name of Your names, through which You

communicated to Kalim (Musa) on the celebrated mountain (tur).

Thereafter the splendor of the unseeable light flashed magnificently, pulling down the mountain to ground level, breaking it into small pieces, (as if prostrating) before Your glory and majesty, and awe inspiring honour; trembling on account of Your omnipotent power; and frightsome, collapsing

before You. Therefore, there is no god except You. There is no god except


And I beseech You, in the name of Your name, by which You partitioned the eyebrows of the eyes of on-lookers (to open the eyes and see), and by which You lets Your wisdom operate, and the proofs with which Your prophets made known the truth, whose minds and hearts were aware of Your being, while You are hidden in the secret stations of the innermost seclusion.

I beseech You, in the name of this particular name, to send blessings on Muhammad on the children of Muhammad, and send away from me, and from other suffering people, and from all the believing men and women, all frustrations, infirmities, accidents, diseases, errors, sins, doubts, polytheism, infidelity, rebellion, hypocrisy, destruction, ill-will, ignorance, anger, hardship, distress, corruption of conscience, impeding revenge, hostility of the enemies, subjugation to the cruel tyrants.

Verily You hear supplications, and is kind as much as You will , O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.

This du-a'a known as "supplication of the youth stricken for his sin," is quoted from the work of Kaf-ami and from Muhaj al Da-wat by Sayyid ibn tawus. Through Imam hussain it is reported that one day he and his father, after performing Hajj, caught sight of a paralysed young man crying his eyes out in repentance. They went near to console him and find out the reason of his sorry plight. He was a habitual sinner, always teased his father, disobeyed him and treated him with contempt. One day, disgusted, the father invoked curse upon him. So he was affected with paralysis. Then and there Ali ibna Talib wrote his dua'a and gave it to him with instruction to recite after Isha salat. Next day fully cured, as fit as a fiddle, he came to Imam Ali and said that he had recited the dua'a as told and

went to sleep. He saw the Holy prophet in the dream. The holy prophet, gently touched his body with his hand and asked him to remember this dua'a as it contain ismi azam (the great name of Allah).

Recite this dua'a after Isha salat. It brings countless blessings. All your legitimate desires will be fulfilled. It drives away poverty and sickness. Sins are for given. Debts are cleared. Enemies become friends. Domestic affairs are set aright. Disputes are settled in your favour. Prisoners are set free mental worries disappear. Prosperity, sound mind and healthy body stand by you at all times.

Mercy and forgiveness of sins are the main advantages the almighty Allah makes available if this dua'a is recited regularly. Recite it on Fridays.

Allahoomma Salle Alaa Mohammadin Wa AaleMohammad.

Bismilla Hir Rahma Nir Rahim

Alla-hoomma Inni As'aloka, Be-lsmeka Bismilla Hir Rahma Nir Rahim. Ya Zal Jalale Val Ikrame.Ya Hayyo. Ya ayyoomo Ya Hyyo Laa 1Iiaha Ilia AntaYa Hova. Ya Man Hova. Ya Man La Ya.lamo Ma Hova.Wa La Kaifa Hova. Wa La .Aina Hova Wa La.

Haiso Hova Ilia Hova. Ya Zal-Moolke Val-Malakoote. Ya Zal Izzate Val-Jabaroote, Ya Maleko. Ya aooddooso Ya Salamo. Ya Mo'meno, Ya Mohaimeno, Ya ' Azizo, Ya Jabbaro. Ya Motakabbero, Ya Khaliqo.

Ya Baari'o. Ya Mosovvero, Ya Mofeedo. Ya Modabbiro, Ya Shadeedo. Ya Mobdi.o. Ya Mo'eedo. Ya Mobeedo. Ya Vadoodo, Ya Mahmoodo. Ya Ma'boodo, Ya Ba'eedo. Ya aareebo. Ya Mojeebo. Ya Raqeebo. Ya Haseebo. Ya Badee.o. Ya Rafee.o. Ya Manee'o. Ya Samee.o. Ya .Alimo, Ya Hakimo, Ya Karimo, Ya Halimo, Ya aadeemo, Ya Alio. Ya Azimo, Ya Hannano. Ya Mannano, Ya Dyyano. Ya Moosta.ano, Ya Jalilo. Ya Jamilo. Ya Vakeelo, Ya Kafeelo.

Ya Moqeelo. Ya Moneelo. Ya Nabeelo' Ya Daleelo. Ya Hadee. Ya Badee. Ya Avvalo. Ya Akhiro. Ya Zahiro, Va Batino,

Va Qa'em-o, Va Daa'emo, Va ' Alimo, Va Hakimo, Va Qazio, Va ' Adilo, Va Fasilo, Va Vasilo, Va Tahiro, Va Motah-hero, Va Qadiro, Va Moqtadiro, Va Kabeero, Va Motakabbiro, Va Vahido, Va Ahado, Va Samado, Va Man Lam Valid Wa Lam Voolad Wa Lam Va -Kool -lahoo Kofo-an Ahad,

Wa Lam Vakool-lahoo Sahebatocn, , Wa La Kana Ma'ahoo Waziroon, Wa Lattakhaza Ma'ahoo Mosheeran, Wa

Lah-toja ala Zaheerin, Wa La Kana Ma'ahoo Min allahin Ghairohoo, La 1Iiaha Ilia Anta Fata'a-Laita, Amma Vaqoolooz-Zalemoona 'Oloovan Kabeeran, Va Alio, Va Shamikho, Va Bazekho, Va Fattaho, Va Naffaho, Va Moortaho, Va Mofarrejo, Va Nasiro, Va Moontasiro,

Va Modriko, Va Mohliko, Va Moon-taqimo, Va Ba'eso, Va Wareso, Va Talibo, Va Ghalibo, Va Man La Vaffotohoo Hareboon, Va Tvvabo, Va Avvabo, Va Wahhabo, Va Wlosab-be-bal Asbabe, Va Mofattehal Abvabe, Va Man Haiso Ma Do'eya

Ajaba, Va Tahooro, Va Shakooro, Va ' Afoo'o, Va Ghafooro, Va Nooral Noore, Va Modabberal Omoore, Va Lateefo, Va Khabiro, Va Mojeero, Va Mobeero, Va Moneero, Va Baseero, Va Naseero, Va Kabeero, Va Vitro,

Va Fardo, Va Abado, Va Sanado, Va Samado, Va Kafee, Va Shafee, Va Vafee, Va Mo'afee, Va Mohsino, Va Mojmilo, Va Mon'imo, Va Mofzelo, Va Motafazzelo, Va Motakarremo, Ya Motafarredo, Ya Man' Ala Faqahara,

Va Man Malaka Faqadara, Va Man Batana, Fa-Khabara, Ya Man 'Obeda Fashakara Va Man 'Oseya Faghafara Wa Satara, Va Mal La Tah-veehil Fikaro, Wa La Vod-rikohoo Basaroon, Wa La Yakhfa ' Alaihe Asaroon, Va Razeqal Bashare, Ya Moqaddera Koollee Qadarin, Va' Ali-yal.Makane,

Va Shadeedal Arkane, Va Mobad-delaz-Zamane, 'y'a Qabelal Qoorbane, Ya Zal-Manne, Val-Ahsane, Va Zal-Izze Vas-Sooltane, Ya Rahimo, Va Rahmano, Ya ' Azimash-Shane, Va Man Hova Koolle Vovmin Fee Shanin, Va Man La Vash-gholohoo Shanoon ' An Shanin, Ya ' Azimash-Shane, Va Man Hova Be-Koolle Makanin, Ya Same'al-Asvate, Ya Mojeeb-ad-da'wate, Ya Moonjehat- Talebate, Ya Qazeyal-Hajate, Ya Monzelal-Barakate,

Ya Rahemal 'aberate, Ya Moqeelal-' Asarate, Ya Kashefal-Korobate, Ya-VaJi-yal Hasanate, Ya Rafe'ad-darajate, Ya Mo'ti-yas-so'late, Ya Moh-ye-yal Amwate, Ya Jame'ash-Shatate, Ya Mottale'o ' Alanni-yate, Ya Radda Ma Qad Fata, Ya Man-La Tash-tabeho '

Alaihi-I Aswato, Ya Man La Tozjero-hool Mas'alato Wa La Tagh- shahooz-zolomato, Ya Nooral-Arze Vas-Samavate,

Ya Sabeghanne'ame, Ya Dafe-an-neqame, Ya Bare'al-Nesame, Ya Jamea'l Omame, Ya Shafe-yas-saqame, Ya Khaleqan-noore, Vaz-zolame, Ya Zal Joode Val-Karame, Ya Man La Yata' O Arshahoo Qadamoon Ya Ajwadal Ajwadeena, Ya Akramal-Akrameena, Ya Asma'as-Same'eena, Ya Absaran-Nazereena, Ya Jaral-Moostajeereena, Ya Amanal-Khaa'efeena, Ya Zahral-Lajeena, Ya Vali-yal Mo'meneena, Ya Gheyasal Mos-tagheeseena, Ya Ghayatat-talebeena,

Ya Saheba Koolle Gharibin, Ya Moonisa Koollee Vaheedin, Ya Malja-a Koolle Tariddin, Ya Mava Koolfee Shareedin,

Ya Hafeza Koolle Zal-Iatin, Ya Rahemash-Shaikhil-Kabire, Ya Razeqat- Tiflis-Saghire, Ya Jaber-al'azmil Kaseere, Ya Fak-ka Koolle Aseerin, Ya Moghni-yaf-Baa'esil-Faqeere, Ya Ismatal-Khaa'efil Moostajeere, Ya Man Lahoot-taqbeero Vattaqdeero, Ya Manil'aseero, Alaihe Sahloon Yaseeroon, Ya Man La Yahtajo Ila Tafseerin, Ya Man Hova ' Ala Koolle Shai-in Oadeeroon, Ya Man Hova Be-Koolle Shai-in Khabiroon, Ya Man Hova Be-Koollee Shai-in Baseeroon, Ya Moorselar-Reyahe, Ya Faleqal Asbahe, Ya Ba'esal Arvahe, Ya-Zaljoode Vas-samahe, Ya Man Be-yadehi Koollo Miftahin, Ya Same'a Koolle Sovtin, Ya Sabeqa Koolle Favtin,

Ya Moh-yeya Koolle Nafsin Ba'dal Movte, Ya 'Oddati Fee Shiddati Wa Ya Hafezi Fee Ghoorbati, Ya Moonesi Fee Vahdati, Ya Vali-yee Fee Ne'mati, Ya Kahfi Heena To'eenil-Mazahibo Wa Tosal-Iemonil-Aqaribo

Wa Yakhzo-Ioni Koollo Sahebin Ya ' Imada Man La 'Imada LahQo, Ya Sanada Man La Sanada Lahoo, Ya Zookhra Man La Zookra Lahoo, Ya Hirza Man La Hirza Lahoo,

Ya Kahfa Man La Kahfa Lahoo, Ya Kanza Man La Kanza Lahoo, Ya Rookna Man La Rookna Lahoo, Ya Gheyasa Man La Gheyasa Lahoo, Ya Jara Man La Jara Lahoo, Ya Jare-yal-Laseeqo, Ya Rokni-yal-Vaseeqo, Ya Ilahi Bit- Tahqeeqa, Ya Rabbal-Baitil-Atiqa, Ya Shafiqo, Ya Rafiqo, Fakkani Min Hel-aqil-Mazeeqe Vasrif ' Anni Koolla Hammin Wa Ghammin Wa Zeeqin Vak-feni Sharra Ma La Oteeqo Wa A'inni 'Ala Ma Oteeqo, Ya Radda YOUSofa ' Ala Ya' qooba, Ya Kashefa Zorre Ayy-ooba. Ya Ghafera Zambe Dawooda, Ya Rafe'a 'Isabne Maryama Wa Moonje yaho Min

Aidil Ya-hoode, Ya Mojeeba Nidaa'e YounoSa Fiz-Zoloma-te' Ya Mostafeya Moosa Bil- Kalemate, Ya Man Ghafara Le-Adama Khatee'ataho Wa Rafa'aIdreesa Makanan '

Ali-yan Be-Rahmatehi, Ya Man Naja Noohan Minal Gharqe, Ya Man Ahlaka 'Aadan Nil-Oola Wa Samooda Fama Ab-qa Wa Qovma Noohin Min Qablo Innahoom Kan-oo Hoom Azlama Wa Atgha Walmo 'tafekata Ahva, Ya Man Dammara ' Ala Qovme Lootin Wa Damdama, '

Ala QoVme Sho.aibin, Ya Manit- Tak-haza Ibrahima Khaleelan, Ya Manit-takhaza Moosa Kaleeman, Ya Manit-takhaza Mohammadan Sal-Ial-Iaho ' Alaihe Wa Alehi Ajma' eena Habee-ban, Ya Mo'teya Loqmanal Hikmata Val-vahaba Le-Solaimana Moolkan,

La Yambaghi Le-Ahedim-Mim-Ba'dehi, Ya Man Nasara Zal-Qarnaine ' AI-al-Malookil-Jababerate. Ya Man A'tal-Khizral-Hayata, Wa Radda Le- Yoosha 'ab/1e Noonin Noor-ash-Shamse Ba'da Ghoroobha Ya Man Rabata, Ala Qalbe Oome Moosa Wa Ahsana Farja Ma-ryamab-nate 'Imrana, Ya Man Hassana Yahya-bna Zakariya Minaz-zambe, Wa Sakkana 'An MooSal-Ghazaba,

Ya Man Bash-shera ZakarjyaBe-Yahya, Ya Man Fada Isma'eela Minaz-zabhe Be-zabhin ' Azim, Ya Man Qabela Qoorbana Ha-beela Waj'alal-la'nata ' Ala Qabeela, Ya Hazemal-Ahzabe Le Mohammadin Wa ' Aale Mohammadin Wa ' Ala Jami'il Ambiyya'e Val-Moorsaleena Wa Malaa'ekatekal-Moqarrabeena Wa Ahle Ta-'ateka Ajmaeena Wa As-aloka Be-Koolle Mas-'alatin Sa'aJaka Beha Ahadoon Mimman Razee-ta ' Anho Fahatamta Lahoo ' Alal Ijabate, Ya AI-Jaho,

Ya Allaho, Ya Allaho, Ya Rahmano, Ya Rahmano, Ya Rahmano, Ya Raheemo, Ya Raheemo Ya Raheemo, Ya Zal-Jalale Val-Jkrame, Ya Zal-Jalale Val-Ikrame,

Ya Zal-Jalale Val-Ikrame, Behi, Behi, Behi, Behi Behi Behi, Behi, As'aloka Be-koolle Ismin Sammaita Behi Nafsaka Av Anza-Itahoo Fee Shai-in Min Kootobeka Avis-tasarta Behi Fee '1Imil-Ghaibe Indaka Wa Bema'aqedil-Izze Min 'Arsheka Wa Be-Moontahar-Rahmate Min Kitabeka Wa Bema Lov Anna Ma Fil Arze Min Shajaratin Aqlamoon Val-Bahro Yamooddo-hoo

Mim-Ba'dehi Sab'ato Abhorin Ma Nafedat Ka-lematoollahe Innal-Iaha Azizzoon Hakeem, Wa As'aloka Be-Asmaa'ekal Hoosnal-lati Na'attaha Fee Kitabeka Faqoolta Wa Lillahil Asmaa'ool-Hoosna Fad-ooho Beha Wa Qoolta Wa Iza Sa'al-aka 'Ibadi ' Anni Fa-inni Qareeboon Ojeebo Da'v-atad-da'e Iza Da'ane Fal Yastajibooli Val-Yoom-enoobi La'al-Iahoom Yarshodoona,

Wa Qoolta Ya 'lbadeyal-Iazeena Asrafoo ' Ala Anfosehim La Ta-qnatoo Min Rahmatil-Iahe Innal-Iaha Yaghferooz-zonooba Jami-an Innahoo Hoval Ghafooror Ra'-him,

Wa Ana As'aloka Ya Ilahi Wa A'dooka Ya Rabbe, Wa Arjooka Ya Sayyadi Wa Atma'o Fee Ijabati,

Ya Movlaya Kama Wa' Ad-tani Wa Qad Da'ovtoka Kama Amartani Faf-al Bi Ma Anta Ah-lohoo, Ya Karimo Wal-Hamdo Lil-Iahe Rabbil-' A-lameena, Wa Sal-Ial-Iaho ' Ala Mohammadin Wa Alehi Ajma'een.

Allahooma Salle Alaa Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"O Thou that answereth the prayers of the disconsolate in the depth of darkness; O Thou that wardeth off the baneful influences of calamities and diseas

es. Lo, those who surrounded the Kaaba sleep and wake up; But Thou, Exalted be thy Name, never sleepest. Forgive me by the Grace of Thy Bounty and Thy Mercy. O Though towards whom all creation bows down in this Sanctuary

! If Thy Mercy be not such as giveth hope to the transgressors, Then who is there to take pity on the sinners by His Bounty?" O Allah, I beseech Thee with Thy Name; the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Benign.

O Lord of Majesty and Generosity; O Living; O Self-Subsisting, O Ever-living, there is no God but Thou. O Thou that art "He" of whom no one knoweth what "He" is, nor how "He" is, nor where "He" is, except "He."

O Lord of the Great Kingdom and Supremacy. O Lord of Honour and Omnipotence:

O Sovereign Lord, O Holy One! O Peace; O Keeper of Faith; O Guardian O Revered One; O Compeller; O Superb. O Creator

; O Maker of all things from nothing; O Artist; O Beneficent; O Administrator; O Severe (in wrath); O Inventor; O Restorer; O Originator; O Most Loving: O Praised; O Adored. O Thou that art distant yet near; O Answerer of pray

er; O Observer; O Reckoner. O Innovator; O Exalted; O Unassailable; O Hearer. O Knower; O Wise; O Bountiful; O Forbearing; O Eternal; O Lofty; O Great.

O most Compassionate; O Giver of all good; O most perfect Requiter of good and evil; O Thou whose help is sought for. O Majestic; O Glorious; O Trusted; O Guardian; O Alleviator of suffering; O Fulfiller of hopes;

O Guide; O Magnanimous. O Giver of guidance; O Commencer; O First; O Last; O Evident; O Hidden. O Established; O Everlasting; O Knowing; O Ruler; O Dispenser of justice; O Equitable; O Thou that disjoineth and uniteth; O Pure; O Purifier; O Powerful;

O Almighty; O Great; O Magnificent. O One; O Matchless; O Eternal; O Absolute; O Thou that bareth none and is born of none; nor is there equal to Thee anyone nor hath Thee any spouse; nor any bearer of Thy burden; nor any consultant to give Thee advice; not does Thou need any supporter; nor is there with Thou any other deity; There is no God but Thou, and Thou art far exalted with great excellence above all that which the unjust folk do say concerning Thee

O High and Lofty; O most Glorious; O Opener; O Diffuser of fragrance; O Tolerant; O Helper; O Victorious; O Overtaker; O Destroyer; O Avenger; O Resurrector; O Inheritor; O Seeker; O Conquerer; O Thou from Whom no fugitive can escape. O Acceptor of repentance; O Ever-forgiving; O Great Bestower; O Causer of all causes; O Opener of doors (of relief and salvation); O Thou that answerest howsoever Thou art invoked. O Purifier; O Giver of manifold rewards; O Excuser; O Pardoner; O Light of all lights; O Director of all affairs. O Ever Blissful; O All-Aware; O Protector; O Luminous; O Seer; O Supporter; O Great. O Lone; O Unique; O Everlasting; O Upholder; O Eternal and Absolute. O Sufficer; O Healer; O Fulfiller of promises; O Deliver. O Benefactor; O Beautifier; O Bestower of grace; O Grantor of favors; O Gracious;

O Peerless. O Thou that being Exalted overwhelmest; O Thou that being Master of all hast absolute power; O Thou, who being hidden art well informed; O Thou that being disobeyed forgiveth; O Thou Whom no thought can fully comprehend; nor sight perceive nor from whom any impression is hidden, O Nourisher of Mankind; O Ordainer of every destiny. O Thou of Exalted position; O Thou Formidable in Thy foundations; O Changer of times; O Acceptor of sacrifice; O Thou full of favors and benefactions; O Lord of Honor and Supremacy; O All Merciful; O most Compassionate; O Thou that has each day a distinctive Glory while no aspect of Thy Glory is erased by the prominence of another aspect. O Thou that art present in every place.

O Hearer of all voices; O Answerer of prayers; O Giver of success in all requirements; O Fulfiller of all needs; O Bestower of blessings; O Thou that taketh pity on our tears. O Thou that raiseth from the pitfalls; O Thou that relieveth agonies; O thou that art the Cherisher of good deeds. O Thou that raiseth men in rank and degree; O Thou that accedeth to requests; O Thou that bringeth the dead to life; O Thou that gathereth together that which is scattered.

O Thou that art informed of all intentions; Thou that restoreth that which has been lost; O Thou that art not confused by a multiplicity of voices; O Thou that art not harassed by a multitude of petitions; and Whom no darkness can hide or cover; O Light of heaven and earth. O Perfector of blessings; O Averter of calamaties;

O Producer of zephyrs; O Gatherer of nations; O Healer of disease; O Creator of light and darkness; O Lord of generosity and munificence; O Thou (on) whose throne no one can set foot! O Thou more generous than the most generous; O Thou more munificent than the most munificent; O Thou most keen of hearing than the most keen of hearing; O Thou more keen of vision than the most perceiving; O Protecting neighbor of those that seek Thy neighborhood. O Refuge of the fearful; O Patron of the faithful;

O Helper of those that seek Thy help; O ultimate Goal of those that aspire. O Companion of all strangers; O Friend of all the lonely ones; O Refuge of all outcasts; O Retreat of all persecuted ones; O Guardian of all those who stray. O Thou that takest pity on the aged and decrepit; O Thou that nourisheth the little baby; O Thou that joineth together broken ones;

O Liberator of all prisoners; O Enricher of the miserable poor; O Protector of the frightened refugees; O Thou for Whom alone are both destiny and disposal; O Thou for Whom all difficult things are simple and easy; O Thou that doth not need any explanation. O Thou Mighty over all things; O Thou Knower of all things. O Thou Seer of all things. O Thou that maketh breezes blow; O Thou that cleaveth the day-break; O Reviver of the spirits;

O Lord of Generosity and Clemency; O Thou in Whose hands are all keys. O Hearer of all voices; O Thou earlier in time than all that have passed away; O Giver of life to every soul after death. O my Means of defense in confronting hardships; O my Guardian in strange lands; O my Friend in my loneliness; O my Master in my bliss; O my Refuge at the time when the journey doth tire me out and my kinsfolk hand me over to my foes and all my comrades forsake me. O Supporter of those who have no support;

O Guarantor of those who have no guarantee; O Wealth of those who have no wealth; O Means of those who have no strength; O Refuge of those who have no refuge; O Treasure of those who have no treasure; O Helper of those who have no helper; O Neighbor of those who have no neighbor. O my Neighbor that art adjacent;

O my Support that art firm; O my God that art worshipped by virtue of positive knowledge; O lord of the Ancient House (the Ka'ba); O Thou full of loving and kindness; O nearest Friend. Liberate me from the choking fetters, Remove from me all sorrow, suffering and grief, Protect me from the evil that I am unable to bear, and help me in that which I am unable to do.

O Thou that didst restore Yusuf unto Yaqub; O Thou that didst cure Ayyub of his malady; O Thou that didst forgive the fault of Dawood; O Thou that didst lift up Isa and saved him from the clutches of the Jews; O Thou that didst answer the prayer of Yunus from the darkness; O Thou that didst choose Musa by means of Thine inspired words; O Thou that didst forgive the omission of Adam and lifted up Idris to an exalted station by Thy mercy;

O Thou that didst save Nooh from drowning; O Thou that didst destroy the former tribe of Ad and then Thamud, so that no trade of them remained, and destroyed the people of Noah aforetime, for verily they were the most unjust and most rebellious; and overturned the ruined and deserted towns;; O Thou that destroyed the people of Lot; and annihilated the people of Sho'aib; O Thou that chose Ibrahim as a friend; O Thou that chose Musa as one spoken unto; and chose Muhammed (Thy blessings be upon him and his Progeny) as Thy Beloved;

O Thou that gavest unto Luqman wisdom; and bestowed upon Sulaiman a kingdom the like of which shall not be merited by anyone after him; O Thou that didst afford succour unto the two-horned one against the mighty tyrants; O Thou that didst grant unto Khizr immortality; and brought back for Yusha, the son of Nun, the sun after it had set; O Thou that gave solace unto the heart of Musa's mother; and protected the chastity of Mariam, the daughter of Imran;

O Thou that didst fortify Yahya, the Son of Zakaria against sin; and abated the wrath for Musa; O Thou that gave glad tidings of (the Birth of) Yahya unto Zakaria; O Thou that saved Ismaeel from slaughter by substituting for him the Great Sacrifice;

O Thou that didst accept the offering of Habeel and placed the curse upon Qabeel. O Subduer of the alien hordes for Muhammad - the blessings of Allah be upon him and his Progeny - bestow Thy blessings upon Muhammad and his Progeny and upon all Thy Messengers and upon the Angels that are near Thee and upon all Thine obedient servants.

And I beg of Thee all the requests which anyone has begged of Thee with whom Thou has been pleased and unto whom Thou has assured the granting thereof, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O Most Beneficient, O Most Beneficient, O Most Beneficient, O Lord of Majesty and Grace, O Lord of Majesty and Grace, O Lord of Majesty and Grace. Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee,

Through Thee I beseech thee with the help of all the Names whereby Thou hast named Thyself, or which Thou hast sent down in any of Thy inspired Scriptures, or Which Thou hast inscribed in Thy knowledge of the unknown;

and (I beseech Thee) in the name of the honored and exalted positions of Thy Throne, and in the name of the utmost extent of Thy Mercy as expressed in Thy Book (the Quran) and in the name of that which "If all the trees on earth were to become pens and all the seven seas ink, the Words of Allah could not be fully written down."

"Verily Allah is the Honored, the Wise"; And I beseech Thee with the help of Thy Beautiful Names which Thou has praised in Thy Book, saying,:Unto Allah belong the beautiful names -- so call ye Him by Them; And Thou hast said "Call unto Me and I shall answer you; and Thou has said,

"And when My servants ask something of Me, lo, I am near, and I grant the prayer of the supplicant when he asks anything of Me, so pray ye unto Me and believe in Me, that ye may be made perfect; And Thou has said, "O My servants who have wronged yourselves, despair not of the Mercy of Allah; verilly Allah forgiveth all the sins; verily He is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

Therefore I pray unto Thee, My God, and I ask Thee, My Cherisher and Sustainer, and I hope from Thee, my Chief, and I crave Thy acceptance of my prayer, O my Protector, even as Thou hast promised me, and I call upon Thee even as Thou hast commanded me --

So, do unto me what pleases Thee to do, O Generous One! (Here the Devotee should pray for the fulfillment of his valid desires.) And all Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds,

and the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad and all His Holy Descendants.


The invocation is: "In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate: O Allah, I ask You by Your Pure, Immaculate, Most Holy and Blessed Name, by Which whoever asks of You, You grant him, and by Which whoever calls on You, You answer him, to bless Muhammad and his family, and to heal the suffering in my head (al-ra's), my hearing (al-sam), my sight (al-basar), my belly, my back (al-zahr), my hand (al-yad), my foot, my body (al-jasad), and in all my organs (al-ada) and limbs (al-jawarhi). Surely You are Gracious to whomsoever You will, and You are Powerful over all things."

He said: Al-Khazzaz al-Razi narrated form Faddala from Aban b.Uthman from Abu Hamza al-Thumali from al-Baqir, peace be upon him, from Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, who said: "Whosoever is afflicted with a pain in his body, let him invoke protection for himself and say: I take refuge in the Might of Allah and His Power over things. I seek protection for myself in the Omnipotent of the heavens. I seek protection for myself in the One with Whose Name no disease harms. I seek refuge for myself in the One Whose Name is a blessings and a cure.' If he recites that, no pain or illness will afflict him."

Ali b.Ibrahim al-Wasiti narrated from Mahbub from Muhammad b.Sulayman al-Awdi from Abu al-Jarud from Abu Ishaq from al-Harith al-Awar, who said: I complained to Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, of aches and pains in my body. He said: "When anyone of you suffers [from pain], let him recite: In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, and blessings of Allah on the Messenger of Allah and his family. I take refuge from the evil that I suffer in the Might of Allah and His Power over what He wills.' If he recites that, Allah will turn away the affliction from him, the Exalted, wills."


Sahl b.Ahmad narrated from Ali b.Numan from Ibn Muskan from Abd al-Rahman al-Qusayr from Abu Jafar al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said: Whoever suffers from a complaint of the head, let him put his hand on it and recite seven times: "I take refuge in Allah, in Whose trust is that which is on the land and in the sea, in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing." He will be relieved of the pain.'

Hariz Aby Ayyub al-Jurjani narrated from Muhammad b.Abu Nasr from Thalaba from Amr b.Yazid al-Sayqal form Jafar b.Muhammad b.'Ali b.al-Husayn b.Ali b.Abu Talib, peace be upon him, that he [al-Sayqal] said: I complained to him of a pain in my head, and of my suffering from it night and day. He [Jafar b.Muhammad] said: "Place your hand on it and say seven times: In the Name of Allah, with Whose Name nothing on the earth or in the heavens causes injury. He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from that which Muhammad, blessings on him and his family, sought refuge for himself.' [The pain] will subside, by the authority of Allah, the Exalted."

Ali b. Urwa al-Ahwazi a narrator of the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, narrated from al-Daylami from Dawud al-Raqqi from Musa b.Jafar, peace be upon him, that he[Dawud] said: I said to him: "O son of the Messenger of Allah, I suffer constantly from a complaint in my head, and sometimes it keeps me awake at nights and distracts me from performing the night prayer." He replied: "O Dawud, when you experience any of that [pain], pass your hand over it and say: I take refuge in Allah, and seek protection for myself from all that afflicts me, in the Name of Allah, the Mighty, and His Perfect Words, which neither the righteous nor the ungodly can disregard, I seek protection for myself with Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and with the Messenger of Allah and his family, the pure, the chosen ones. O Allah, by their claim over You, protect me from this suffering of mine.' It will not afflict you again."

Abu Salt al-Harawi narrated from al-Rida, peace be upon him, from his father from al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said: "Teach our Shia to recite the following for a pain I the head: "O Taha, O Dharr, O Tamana, O Tannat". They are Sublime Names and have an authority given by Allah, the Exalted and Sublime. Allah will turn that [pain] away from them.'

Abd Allah b.Bistam narrated from Ishaq b.Ibrahim from Abu al-Hasan al-Askari, peace be upon him, that he [Ishaq] said: I was with him [al-Askari] one day when one of our brothers complained to him, saying: "O son of the Messenger of Allah, my family suffers much from this accursed pain." He asked: "And what is it?" The man replied: "Pains in the head." He said: "Take a cup of water and recite over it: Have not the unbelievers then beheld that the heavens and the earth were a mass all sewn up, and then We unstitched them and of water fashioned every living thing? Will they not believe? (21:30). Then drink it and pain will not afflict them, Allah, the Exalted, willing."

Tamim b.Ahmad al-Sayraff narrated from Muhammad b.Khalid al-Barqi from Ali b.al-Numan from Dawud b.Farqad and Mualla b.Khunays, who both said: Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Combing the hair on the cheeks strengthens the teeth (al-adras); combing the beard dispels infectious diseases (al-waba); combing loose locks of hair dispels anxieties I the breast (al-sadr); combing the eyebrows is a safeguard against leprosy (al-judham); and combing the head stops phelgm."


Muhammad b.Jafar al-Bursi narrated from Muhammad b.Yahya al-Armani from Muhammad b. Sinan al-Sinani from Yunus b.Zabyan from al-Mufaddal b.'Umar from Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: This is an invocation revealed by Jibrail, peace be upon him, to the Prophet, peace be upon him, when the latter was suffering from a headache (al-suda). Jibrail said: "O Muhammad, take refuge from your headache with this invocation, Allah will relieve you of it." Then he said: "O Muhammad, whosoever takes refuge with this invocation seven times of any pain that afflicts him. Allah will heal him if He wills. Pass your hand over the painful area and say: In the Name of Allah, our Lord, Whose mention is glorified in the heavens, our Lord, Whose command in the heavens and the earth is executed and performed. Just as Your command is executed in the heavens, bestow Your Mercy on earth, and forgive us our sins and our faults. O Lord of the good, the pure ones, bestow a cure, and mercy from Your Mercy, on so-and-so, son of so-and-so', and mention his name."

Another invocation for headache: O One Who diminishes the great and magnifies the small; O Remover of uncleanliness from Muhammad and his family, and their complete Purifier. Bless Muhammad and his family. Remove what is in me of headache and migraine (al-shaqiqa).'


Muhammad b.Irahim al-Siraj narrated from Ibn Mahbub from Hisham b.Salim from Habib al-Sijistani-he was older than Hariz al-Sijistani, though Hariz was superior in knowledge to Habib-who said: I complained to al-Baqir, peace be upon him, of a migraine that afflicted me once or twice every week. Al-Baqir said: "Place your hand on the side which pains you and say: O Apparent, Present, O Hidden, but not absent, answer Your weak servant with Your Gracious Help. Remove from him his pain. Surely You are Compassionate, Loving, All-powerful. Recite this three times and you will be relieved of the pain, Allah, the Exalted, willing."

Another invocation of migraine: Al-Sayyari narrated from Muhammad b.Ali from Muhammad b.Muslim from Ali b.Abu Hamza from Abu Basir, who said: I heard Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be upon him, when visiting one of his followers,mention that he was afflicted witha migraine. He cited an invocation similar to the preceding one.'

Another invocation for migraine: Write the following on a paper and attach it to the part which suffering: "In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. I bear witness that You are not a god we have invented, nor a lord whose mention has ceased, nor a king with whom people associate partners, nor was there before You a god in whom we took refuge, or sought protection, or prayed to. We pray to You, and no one assists You in our creation or is responsible for You. Glory be to You and Praise! Bless Muhammad and his family. Cure this quickly with your cure."


Ahmad b. Muhammad Abu Jafar narrated from Ibn Abu Umayr from Abu Ayyub al-Khazzaz from Muhammad b.Muslim from Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, from al-Baqir from Ali b.al-Husayn from his father, who said that Ali b.Abu Talib, peace be upon him, said: When the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah be on him and his family, called me on the day of Khaybar, he was told: O Messenger of Allah, he has inflammation (al-ramad) of the eyes." The Messenger of Allah said: "Bring him to me." So I went to him and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have inflammation of the eyes and cannot see anything." The Messenger of Allah said: "Approach me, O Ali." I appraoched him and he passed his hand over my eyes and recited: "In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, and peace be on the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, protect him from the heat and the cold, and preserve him from harm and affliction." Ali, peace be upon him, said: I recovered, and by Him Who honoured him with Prophethood, bestowed on him the Message, and chose him the Message, and chose him over His servants. I felt neither heat nor cold nor pain in my eyes after that.'

He said: Sometimes Ali, peace be upon him, would go out on a bitterly cold winter's day with a torn shirt. It would be said: "O Amir al-Muminin, are you not affected by the cold?" He would reply: "Neither heat nor cold has affected me since the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family, protected me with the invocation." Sometimes he would come out to us on an extremely hot day in a padded garment, and it would be said to him: "Are you not affected as other people are by this severe heat, so that you wear a padded garment?" He would give them the same reply.'


Khirash b.Zuhayr al-Azdi narrated from Muhammaad b.Jamhur al-Qummi from Yunus b. Zabyan from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, that he [Yunus] said: I complained to him of pain in one of my ears 9al-udhun). He [Abu Abd Allah] said: "Place your hand over it, and say seven times: I take refuge in Allah, in Whom trust that which is on the land and in the sea, in the heavens and the earth; and He is All-hearing, All-knowing.' It will be cured, Allah, the Exalted, willing."

Aslam b. Amr al-Nusaybi narrated from Ali b. Ibn Rabbayta from Muhammad b. Salman from his father from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, that he recited an invocation of protection similar to this, for one of his companions who had an earache.


It was narrated from Bakr from his uncle Sudayr, who said: I took a pebble and scratched my ear with it. It became embedded in my ear. I made every effort to remove it, but neither I nor the medical practitioners could do it. When I performed the Hajj and met al-Baqir, peace be upon him, I complained to him of the pain I had experienced. He said to al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, "O Jafar, take him by the hand out into the light and have a look. "Al-Sadiq looked into the ear and said: "I do not see anything." Al-Baqir said: "Approach me." I approached him and he said: "O Allah, remove it as You caused it to enter, without trouble or difficulty." Then he said: "Recite that three times." I recited it. He said: "Put your finger in." I put my finger in and brought out the pebble. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.'


Hannan b.Jabir al-Filistini narrated from Muhammad b.Ali from Ibn Sinan from Ammar b. Marwan from al-Munkhal from Jabir from Abu Jafar Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon him, who said that a man complained to him of deafness (al-samam). Abu Jafar said: Pass your hand over him and recite: If We had sent down this QURAN upon a mountain, thou wouldst have seen it humbled, split asunder out of the fear of God, And We make these examples for men; haply they will reflect. He is God; there is no god but He. He is the knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All-merciful, the All-compassionate. He is God. There is no god but He. He is the King, the All-holy, the All-peaceable, the All-faithful, the All-preserver, the All-mighty, the All-compeller, the All-sublime. Glory be to God, above that they associate! He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies Him; He is the All-mighty, the All-wise. (59:21-4).


Hariz b. Ayyub al-Jurjani narrated from Abu Samina from Ali b. Asbat from Abu Hamza from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, that Abu Basir said: One of his [Abu Abd Allah's] followers complained to him of pain in his mouth (al-farm). Abu Abd Allah said, "When that afflicts you, place your hand over it and say: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. In the Name of Allah, with Whose Name illness causes no harm; I take refuge in the Words of Allah, with Which nothing harms, Most Holy, Most Holy, Most Holy. By Your Name, O Lord, the Pure, the Holy, the Blessed, whoever asks You by it, You grant it to him, and whoever calls on You by it, You grant it to him, and whoever calls on You by it, You answer him. I ask You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, to bless Muhammad, the Prophet, and his Ahl al-Bayt, and to heal the suffering in my mouth, my head, my hearing, my sight, my belly, my back, my hand, my foot, and in all my limbs.' Your pain will be relieved, Allah, the Exalted, willing."


Abu Abd Allah al-Husayn b. [Ahmad] Muhammad al-Khawatimi narrated from al-Husayn b. Ali b. Yaqtin from Hannan al-Sayqal from Abu Basir from Abu Jafar al-Baqir, peace be upon him, that Abu Basir said: I complained to him of pain in my teeth, and that it kept me awake at nights. Abu Jafar said: "O Abu Basir, when you experience that, place your hand over it, and recite the sura al-Hamd (1) and the sura al-Ikhlas (112), then recite: And thou shalt see the mountains, that thou supposest fixed, passing by like clouds-God's handiwork, who has created everything very well. He is aware of the things you do (27:88). The pain will subside, and will not recur."

Hamdan b. Ayan al-Razi narrated from Abu Talib from Yunus from Abu Hamza from Sama'a b. Mihran from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, that he [Abu Abd Allah] instructed a man to recite the above invocation and added to it, saying: Recite the sura al-Qadr (97)once. The pain will subside, and will not recur.'

[Also for pain in the teeth], from Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, that he said: Whoever complains of pain in the teeth, let him take the object on which he performs his prostration, and rub it on the painful area, and say: "In the Name of Allah, and the Healer, Allah; there is no Might nor Power except in Allah, the Most High, the Mighty."

It is reported from Abu al-Hasan, peace be upon him, that he said: My teeth (al-asnan) were hurting me and I applied Cyperus rotundus (al-sud) to them.' He said: Wine vinegar (khall al-khumr) strengthens the gums (al-litha).' He also said: "Take wheat (al-hinta), husk it, and extract the oil. If the tooth is decayed and rotten, put two drops of the oil in it. Put some oil on a piece of cotton and place it in the ear near the tooth, for three nights. It will stop [the decay], Allah, the Exalted, willing.'


Recite the sura al-Hamd (1), the two Suras of taking refuge (al-Falaq (113) and al-Nas (114). and the sura al-Ikhlas (112). Say, In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate,' with each sura. After the sura al-Ikhlas (112), say: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, And to Him belongs whatsoever inhabits the night and the day: and He is the All-hearing, All-knowing (6:13). We said: O fire, be cooled and safe for Ibrahim! They desired to outwit him: so We made them the worse losers (21: 69-70). He was called: Blessed is He who is in the fire, and he who is about it. Glory be to God, the Lord of all Being! (27:8).' Then say after that: O Allah, O One Who protects from every thing, and nothing protects You, protect Your servant and the son of your bondmaid (al-ima), from the evil of what he fears and is wary of in this pain of which he complains to You.'


Abd Allah b. Muhammad b. Mihran al-Kuff narrated from Ayyub from Amr b. Shimr from Jabir from Abu Jafar Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be upon him, from al-Husayn [sic], who said: Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, said: "Whosoever has a complant of the throat (al-halq) and excessive coughing (al-sual) and the desperation of his body increases, let him take refuge with these words, which are called the comprehensive' (al-sual) and the desperation of his body increases, let him take refuge with these words, which are called the comprehensive' (al-jamia), for all things:

O Allah, You are my Hope, and You are my Trust, my Support, my Succour, my Exalter, my Beauty. You are the Refuge of those who are afraid.

There is no sanctuary for those who flee except in You.

There is no one on whom human beings can rely except You.

There is no wish for those who desire except before You.

There is no helper for the oppressed but You.

There is no object for the needy except You.

There is nothing to be given for the seekers except from You.

There is no place to turn for the repentant except You.

Sustenance and good and deliverance are only in Your Hand.

Oppressive matters have grieved me, difficult straits have

wearied me, and painful ailments have encompassed me.

I do not find the opening of the door of deliverance open except by Your Hand.

Thus I stand before You and seek help from You,

with prayer, against its closing.

Open, O Lord, to the one who asks for help, and answer the one who calls out.

Dispel the grief, remove the harm, fulfil the need,

remove the sorrow, banish the anxieties, and save me from destruction, for I am on the brink of it.

I do not find my salvation from it other than in You.

O Allah, O He who answers the constrained, when he calls unto Him, and removes the evil (27:62), have mercy on me and remove what is in me of sorrow and grief and pain and illness.

Lord, if You do not, I do not expect my deliverance from other than You.

Have mercy on me, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

This is the position of the wretched, the poor.

This is the position of one who is afraid, one seeking refuge.

This is the position of one calling for help.

This is the position of the sorrowful, the hurt.

This is the position of the troubled, the one seeking protection.

This is the position of the servant, apprehensive, dying, drowning, frightened, fearful.

This is the position of one who has awakened from his sleep, been aroused from his forgetfulness,

recovered from his illness and the severity of his pain, and is afraid because of his offences.

He acknowledges his sins, is humble before his Lord, and weeps in fear of Him.

He asks forgiveness, sheds tears, and seeks pardon by Allah, from his Lord.

He dreads His power, sheds his tears, and hopes,

weeps, and prays and calls: Lord, affliction has

visited me (21:83) so set me right.

You see my position. You hear my words, You know

my secret thoughts and my public affairs.

You know my need and You know me thoroughly.

Nothing in myaffairs, whether open or secret,

apparent or concealed in my breast,

is hidden from You.

So I ask You, since You have authority over regulating [affairs], accepting pleas, and fixing destinies, with the request of one who has done wrong and confessed, wronged his soul, and committed crimes. He has repented for what is past and turned to his Lord. He has regretted and taken refuge in His countryard, held back and restrained his desire, and devoted himself to the Revoker of his lapses, the Acceptor of his repentance, the Forgiver of his sins, the One Who has mercy on his repentance, the Forgiver of his sins, the One Who has mercy on his state of exile, the Remover of his distress and the Healer of his illness. Have mercy on my transgressions and my entreaties to You. Forgive me all my deviations from Your Book which have been counted in your record. Your past knowledge of my sins, faults, and offences in privacy, my immorality, my evil deeds, my lapses, and all that Your recording angels witness and have written down during childhood and after puberty, in old age and youth, by night and day, early morning and evening, late evening and day break, forenoon and dawn, and at home and in travels, in solitude and in public. Overlook my evil deeds among the inhabitants of Paradise the promise of the very truth, which they were promised (46:16).

O Allah, by the right of Muhammad and his family, remove from me the overwhelming illnesses in my body (al-jism), my hair (al-shar), my skin (al-bashari), my blood vessels (al-uruq), my nerves (al-asab), and my limbs, for no one will remove that other than You, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, O Answerer of the call of the distressed."


Abu al-Qasim al-Taffisi narrated from Hamad b. Isa from Hariz b. Abd Allah al-Sijistani from Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, that Hariz said: I said: "O son of the Messenger of Allah, I experience anxieties (al-baladi) in my breast and temptations (al-wasawis) in my heart (al-fulad) so that I sometimes break off my prayer and become confused in my recitation." Abu Abd Allah said: "And what about the invocation of Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him?" I replied: "O son of the Messenger of Alla, teach [it to] me." He said: "When you experience something of this, place your hand on it and say: In the Name of Allah and by Allah. O Allah. You have blessed me with faith and entrusted me with the QURAN, and bestowed on me fasting in the month of Ramadan. Grant me mercy and acceptance and compassion and forgiveness and all that You have conferred on me of blessings and beneficence. O Compassionate, O Benefactor, O Everlasting, O Merciful, Glory be to You,. I have no one but You, Glory be to You. I take refuge in You after these expressions of esteem, from abasement. I ask You to remove the sorrows from my heart.' Repeat this three times and you will be cured of it, with the help of Allah, the Exalted. Then bless the Prophet, blessings of Allah upon him, and mercy and blessings upon his family."


Al-Husayn b. Bistam narrated from Muhammad b. Khalaf from al-Washsha from Abd Allah b. Sinan from Jafar b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, from his grandfather, peace be upon him, who said: A man complained to the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him and his family, and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have a brother who has a complaint of the belly." The Prophet replied: "Tell your brother to take a drink of honey with hot water." The man returned to him the next day and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I gave him the drink but he did not benefit from it." The Messenger of Allah said: "Allah has said the truth, and the belly of your brother has lied. Go, and give your brother the drink of honey and invoke for him the sura al-Fatiha (1) seven times." When the man is a hypocrite. Whosoever is such, the drink will not benefit him."

A man complained to Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, of pain in the belly. He instructed him to drink hot water and say: O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Merciful, O Compassionate,O Lord of the lords, O God of the gods, O King of the kings, O Master of the masters. Heal me with Your cures from every disease and illness, for I am Your servant and the son of Your servant: I turn about in Your grasp.'

Abu Abd Allah al-Khawatimi narrated from Ibn Yaqtin from Hassan al-Sayqal from Abu Basir, who said: A man complained to Abu Abd Allah ul-Sadiq, peace be upon him, of pain of the navel (al-surra). Al-Sadiq told him: "Go, and put your hand on the painful area and say three times: Surely it is a Book Sublime. Falsehood comes not to it from before it nor from behind it. A revelation from One All-wise, All-laudable (41:41-2): You will be cured, Allah willing."

Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, said: There is not one among sincere intention, while passing his hand over the area of the illness, We send down of the QURAN, that which is a cure and a mercy to the believers. The unbelievers it increases not, except in loss (17:82), but that he is cured of that illness, whatever it may be. The truth of that is confirmed in the verse, where it says a cure and a mercy for the believers.'


Hariz b. Ayyub narrated from Abu Samina from Ali b. Asbat from Abu Hamza from Hamran b. Ayan, who said: A man questioned Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir, peace be upon him, saying: "O son of the Messenger of Allah, I suffer from severe pain in the waist (al-khasira) and have treated it with many remedies, but it has not been cured." Al-Baqir said: "What about the invocation of Amir al-Muminin?" The man replied: "And what is that, O son of the Messenger of Allah?" He said: "When you complete your prayers, put your hand on the place of prostration, stroke it, and say: What, did you think that We created you only for sport, and that you would not be returned to Us? Then high exalted be God, the King, the True! There is no god but He, the Lord of the noble Throne. Whosoever calls upon another god with God, whereof he no proof, his reckoning is with his Lord. Surely the unbelievers shall not prosper. And say: My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for Thou art the best of the merciful (23:115-18)." The man said: "I did that and the pain subsided, praise be to Allah, the Exalted."

Muhammad b. Jafar al-Bursi narrated from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Armani from Muhammad b. Sinan from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, blessings on him and his family, said: "Drink lovage (al-kashim), for it is good for pain of the waist."

Also from him from Muhammad b. Yahya from Yunus b. Zabyan from Jabir from Abu Jafar, peace be upon him, who said: Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever wishes that food may not harm him, let him not eat until he is hungry and his abdomen (al-maida) is cleansed. When he eats, let him take the Name of Allah and chew well and let him stop eating while he still has an appetite for it [food] and wants it."

Abd Allah b. Bistam narrated from Muhammad b. Razin from Hammad b. Isa from Hariz from Abu Abd Allah, peace be upon him, from Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, who said: Whoever wishes for the eternal life in the next world, and not for permanence in this world, let him wear light clothes, eat early, and have intercourse (al-mujamia) with women less frequently.


Muhammad b. Abd Allah b. Mihran al-Kuff narrated from Ayyub from Umar b. Shimr from Jabir from Abu Jafar, peace be upon him, who said: A man from Khurasan came to Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be upon him, and said: "O son of the Messenger of Allah, I performed the Hajj and resolved to call on you upon my departure, for I have a pain in the spleen (al-tihalm). Pray for me to be relieved of it." Ali b. al-Husayn replied: "Allah has protected you from that, praise be to Him. When you experience the pain, write this verse with saffron (al-zafaran) mixed with the water of [the] Zamzam [spring in Mecca], and drink it. Allah, the Exalted, will drive away that pain from you Say: Call upon God, or call upon the Merciful; whichsoever you call upon, to Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. And be thou not loud in thy prayer, nor hushed therein, but seek thou for a way between that. And say: Praise belongs to God, who has not taken to Him a son, and who has not any associate in the Kingdom, nor any protector out of humbleness. And magnify Him with repeated magnificats (17:110-11). Write the following on the parachment of a gazelie (ghazal) and attach it to your left arm (al-adud) for seven days and the pain will abate:...."

Ahmad b. Yazid narrated from al-Sabbaf al-Kufi from Musa b. Jafar, peace be upon him, from al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, from al-Baqir, peace be upon him, that he said: One of his followers complained to al-Baqir of pain in the spleen. He had treated it with every remedy but its evil increased every day until he was on the threshold of death. Al-Baqir said to him: "Buy a piece of leek (al-kurrath) and fry it well in Arab clarified butter (samn arabi). Give it for three days to the one who has this pain. If that is done, he will be cured. Allah, the Exalted, willing."'


Muhammad b. Jafar al-Bursi narrated from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Armani from Muhammad b. Sinan al-Sinani from al-Mufaddal b. Umar from Muhammad b. Ismail from Abu Zaynab, who said: One of our brothers complained to Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, of pain in the bladder (al-mathana). Al-Sadiq said: "Seek protection for it with these verses, three times before you sleep, and once when you awaken, and you will not experience the pain after that: Knowest thou not that God is powerful over everything? Knowest thou not that to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that you have none, apart from God, neither protector nor helper?" (2:106-7). The man said: "I did that and did not experience the pain again."


Al-Khid b. Muhammad narrated from al-Hawarini from Faddala from Aban b. Uthman from Ibn Abu Hamza al-Thumali from Abu Jafar Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said: A man from Hamadan complained to Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, of a pain in the back and that he had sleepless nights [because of it.] He said: "Put your hand on the are that pains you and recite three times: It is not given to any soul to die save by the leave of God, at an appointed time. Whoever desires the reward of this world, We will give him of this. Whosoever desires the reward of the other world, We will give him of that. We will recompense the thankful (3:145). Then recite the sura al-Qadr (97) seven times and you will be cured of it. If Allah, the Exalted, wills."


Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Katib narrated from Muhammad b. Abd Allah al-Zafarani from Hammad b. Isa from Amir al- Muminin, peace be upon him, who said: When one of you suffers from pain of the thighs (al-fakhdhan), let him sit in a large vessel or basin of heated water and place his hand there [on his thighs] and recite: Have not the unbelievers then beheld that the heavens and the earth were a mass all sewn up, and then We unstitched them and of water fashioned every living thing? Will they not believe?" (21:30).


With this chain of tranmitters (al-isnad) from Hariz al-Sijistani, who said: I performed the Hajj and called on Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him. In Medina, and al-Mualla b. Khunays, may Allah have mercy on him, was complaining to him of pain in the genitals (al-farj). Al-Sadiq said to him: "You exposed your privy parts (al-aura) on some occasion, and Allah has punished you with this pain. But seek protection for it with the invocation which Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, gave Abu Wa'lla, after which it [the pain] did not recur." Al-Mualla asked: "O son of the Messenge of Allah, what is the invocation?" He replied: "Put your left hand on them and say three times: In the name of Allah, and by Allah, Nay, but whosoever submits his will to God, being a good-doer, his wage is with his Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow (2:112). O Allah, I have submitted myself to You and entrusted my affairs to You. You will be cured, Allah, the Exalted, willing."


Khaddash b. Sabra narrataed from Muhammad b. Jamhur from Safwan Bayya' al-Sabiri from Salim b. Muhammad, who said: I complained to al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, of pain in my legs (al-saqayn) and that it had prevented me from pursuing my affairs and earnig my living. He said: "Recite an invocation of protection over them." I asked: "With what, O son of the Messenger of Allah?" He said: "With this verse. Recite it seven times and you will be cured, Allah, the Exalted, willing: Recite what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord; no man can change His words. Apart from Him, thou wilt find no refuge." (18:27). He said: I recited the invocation ove them seven times as he had instructed me, and I never experienced the pain again.'


Al-Hawarini al-Razi narrated f