Rafed English
site.site_name : Rafed English


300g cake flour
30ml castor sugar
4 eggs
500ml milk
200ml strawberry juice
10ml vanilla essence
5ml strawberry essence
50g butter, melted

Filling and topping

2 punnets mixed berries
200ml fresh cream, whipped
Berry sauce
100ml strawberry juice
100g berries of choice
60ml honey


Berry sauce:

Pour all the ingredients into a small pot; simmer until sauce is and berries are soft. Add more honey if a sweeter sauce is required. Strain and keep aside till required.


Sift flour and sugar into a large mixing bowl; mix in a separate bowl, beat eggs, milk, juice, essence and rest of ingredients together well. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture; add milk mixture and combine to form a smooth batter. Allow to rest for 30 – 60 minutes.

Heat on non – stick pan, coat with cooking spray and brush with melted butter. Pour 45ml batter into pan and swirl to cover base. Cover with a lid and cook and cook for 1 – 2 minutes until underside is set and lightly browned. Turn pancake over and cook other side for about 30 seconds. Turn pancake out onto plate. Continue until batter is used, stacking pancakes between grease proof paper.

Place each pancake on a plate and spoon some cream and berries onto 1 half, fold over to enclose and pour berry sauce over pancake.

Decorate with berries and cream.