Rafed English
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Deep cleaning gives you the opportunity to restore your home or office to pristine condition. While you can deep clean at anytime, deep cleaning before a big event or at the beginning or end of each season are natural times to do so. Depending on the size of your space, deep cleaning can take 1 to 3 days.

To successfully deep clean your home, follow these tips:

  1. Set aside time to clean. Deep cleaning isn’t something you’ll want to do spare of the moment. Put it in your calendar and make a commitment to spending the time required to achieve your desired results.
  2. Remove clutter. Getting the chaos out of the way is essential before tackling deep cleaning. While it can be tempting to clean around the clutter, don’t. Instead remove the clutter first.
  3. Put things away. As you tackle each cluttered areas, put the items you wish to keep in the proper place. Toss anything that’s trash and fill a trash big with items you wish to give away.
  4. Start high. When deep cleaning start up top and work your way down. Cleaning your ceiling fans before your floor will ensure that you don’t have to clean surfaces and floors again when the dust falls.
  5. Look beyond the obvious. Get down on your hands and knees and explore your environment. Open cabinets and drawers. Don’t forget to clean behind the toilet or on top of the fridge.
  6. Use the right tools. To get the job done right the first time, invest in the right cleaning tool. Using a microfiber cloth for example, will yield better results when cleaning glass than using a paper towel.
  7. Check batteries. Spring cleaning is a great time to check batteries in smoke detectors, flash lights and wall clocks.
  8. Check filters. Before deep cleaning, be sure to check the water filters, vacuum filters and HEPA filters are clean.
  9. Don’t forget outside. During your deep cleaning, don’t forget porches, walkways and other outside areas of your home or office space.
  10. Hire outside help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed consider outsourcing your deep cleaning. A reputable cleaning company can deep clean your home or office and make it sparkling clean in a jiffy.