Rafed English
site.site_name : Rafed English

While clutter can accumulate in every area of the home or office, there are definitely a few places it’s more commonly found. Evaluate these areas in your home or office and commit to clearing the clutter one area at a time.

  1. The kitchen counters. Kitchen counters can be a dropping zone for just about anything. Mail, newspaper, shopping bags and just about anything you carry into the home may find its way to the kitchen counters. Keep an easily accessible trash can in the kitchen and place a decorative basket on the counter or anywhere else that’s convenient. Before you drop everything on the kitchen counter, throw away the trash and toss items you need to deal with later in the basket. Clear the basket before the end of each day.
  2. Your office desk. Anything paper is likely to call you desktop home. A simple filing rack can quickly fix that. Label each level and toss each piece of paper into the appropriate level. Levels can be simply labeled in and out, indicating things you need to deal with and things you’ve already dealt with or can be labeled more specifically like bills, mail, receipts and letters.
  3. The entry way. The entry way is likely to be filled with stray shoes, jackets and bags. An entry way storage system can solve most of your clutter troubles. Opt for a bin system that hangs on the wall and has coat hooks or go for a standalone coat rack and storage bench. If that’s too fancy, opt or a simple basket to toss shoes into. Keeping the entry way clear not only looks good, doing so can prevent trips and falls.
  4. Bathroom cabinets. If everything you open your bathroom cabinet something falls out, it’s time to address the clutter. Remove expired medications or personal care products and toss anything you simply don’t use.
  5. Nightstands and tables. Books you really want to read but never have the time to, slips of paper from your pockets and other items that you meant to deal with, but never got around to, are likely to land on your nightstand. Take action and clear your nightstand off and out.
  6. The kitchen table. If you haven’t been able to sit around the table and share a meal with the family because clutters overrun it, sort the items on your table into trash, give away and keep piles and deal with them accordingly.
  7. Closets. If you can’t find your favorite pair of slacks or your closet looks like a tornado went through it, there’s too much going on in there. Remove items you don’t wear or that don’t fit and hang your items by outfit or garment type. Use plastic storage bins with lids to store seasonal clothes. Write on a piece of paper what’s in each bin and slide the paper down the side of the bin for easy identification.
  8. Hall tables. Hall tables are asking to be filled with content. Try placing a decorative bowl to catch keys or placing a basket underneath the table to toss things that need to be brought to their rightful place.
  9. Laundry rooms. From missing socks to tools, laundry rooms seem to be a natural place to clutter up. Hooks to hang items, shelves to organize materials and baskets to sort clothes can help prevent the laundry room from becoming unmanageable.
  10. Windowsills. Windowsills seem to scream decorate me, especially ones that house bay windows. Instead of cluttering them with miscellaneous trinkets, opt for a simple decorative piece that’s easy on the eyes.