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Hazrat Shah Qasim (as)

Hazrat Qasim was the youngest son of Imaam Hassan (A.S.). Qasim was born in 47 A.H., three years before his father was martyred. When Imaam Hussain prepared to leave Madina in the month of Rajab 60 A.H. Qasim mother Umme-e-Farwa asked Imaam Hussain to take her and Qasim with him. Imaam Hussain agreed. Hazrat Qasim, although only 13 years old, had, like his cousins Aun and Muhammad, learnt fencing from Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali Akber. Hazrat Abbas was very fond of Hazrat Qasim.

On the night before Ashura when Imaam Hussain was passing by Umm-e-Farwa's tent he heard Qasim say to his mother, "Mother, tomorrow Uncle Abbas, Ali Akber and I will defend Imaam Hussain. Mother, if I get killed please do not weep for me." Umm-e-Farwa replied, "My son although I dearly love you, I shall not weep for you. Nothing will make me prouder than to see my son give his life for Islam". When Imaam Hussain heard this conversation he prayed to Allah to bless Hazrat Qasim and Umm-e-Farwa.

On Ashura day after Aun and Muhammad had fallen in the battlefield, Hazrat Qasim came to Imaam Hussain and begged for permission to go and fight. Twice Imaam Hussain refused saying "Qasim you are young and your mother's only son". Hazrat Qasim was very disappointed. He went to his mother. When she saw her son so disappointed she remembered that just before he died, Imaam Hassan had written a letter, given it to Umm-e-Farwa saying ,"If ever you find Qasim in difficulty, give him this letter." She gave Hazrat Qasim the letter. In the letter it was written, "My son Qasim, a day will come when my brother Hussain will be facing an enemy army of tens of thousands. That will be the day when Islam will need to be saved by sacrifice. You must represent me on that day."

Hazrat Qasim read the letter. He smiled. He rushed to Imaam and gave him the letter. After reading the letter Imaam Hussain said, "O my brother's son, how can I stop you from doing what your father wanted you to do. Bismillah, go. Allah be with you".

Imaam Hussain tied Imaam Hassan's turban on the head of Hazrat Qasim and helped him mount his horse.As Qasim was riding out, Imaam Hussain said "Inna Lilla-hi Wa Inna Ilai-hi Raji'oon". Hazrat Qasim said "O my uncle - Do not be upset. I do not fear death. Death for Islam will be sweeter for me than honey". Hazrat Qasim came to the battle field. He was a very handsome boy. When the enemy saw him, they began to murmur, "How can we kill someone whose face is shining like moon?"

In a loud and a clear voice Hazrat Qasim introduced himself and cried out a challenge for single combat. He killed several famous warriors who came forward.

Every time he felled an enemy Hazrat Qasim would stand on his stirrups, look behind and wave to Hazrat Abbas, just as a pupil would seek approval of his teacher on any assignment, Hazrat Abbas would proudly wave back. When the enemy saw his bravery and realized that they could not possibly over power him in single combats, they came from behind and one of them hit Hazrat Qasim on the head with a sword.

Hazrat Qasim tried to go on fighting but alas he was so young and he was so very thirsty! He fell from his horse crying out, "YA AMMAHO, ACCEPT MY LAST SALAAMS." Imaam Hussain and Hazrat Abbas rode out. The soldiers tried to stop them, when finally they came to where Hazrat Qasim had fallen they saw a dreadful sight!! Hazrat Qasim's body had been trampled by the horses of the soldiers who had tried to stop Imaam Hussain and Hazrat Abbas. Hazrat Abbas was so angry when he saw this that he began to shake with fury. He took out his sword and wanted to attack the enemy. Imaam Hussain restrained him saying "Abbas, have patience, dear brother. Do not give them an excuse for saying that we attacked them first".

Was Qasim body carried to the camp to his mother? This is not very clear. It is reported, however, that Imaam Hussain took off his abaa, spread it on to the ground, gathered the pieces from the ground as one gathers flowers from a garden!

Hazrat Aun and Muhammad (as)

Aun and Muhammad were the sons of Bibi Zainab. They had not accompanied Bibi Zainab when she left Madina with Imaam Hussain A.S. Just before Imaam Hussain started his journey from Mecca, Hazrat Abdullah ibne Jaffer brought his two sons to Mecca and handing them over to Imaam Hussain said, "Ya Imaam, since you have decided to go and will not allow me to come with you, please take my two sons with you. Aun will represent his maternal grandfather Hazrat Ali A.S. and the other will represent his paternal grandfather Hazrat Jaffer-e-Tayyaar".

Aun and Muhammad were quite young. It is reported that Aun was about thirteen and Muhammad was a year or two younger. They had learnt the art of fencing from their uncle, Hazrat Abbas.

On the night before Ashura Bibi Zainab said to them, "My sons, tomorrow there will be a battle. I can not ask you to fight because you are young. But if anything happens to Imaam Hussain, while you are still alive, I will be filled with shame." Both the boys stood up and said "Mother, we have the blood of Ali and Jaffer in our veins. Our grand fathers were warriors whose fame will always be remembered. Do you think we can possibly shame them? More over we are the pupils of Uncle Abbas. Mother, unless you forbid us and stop us from fighting, we shall go to the battlefield and show the enemies of Islam how bravely the children of Islam can fight. All we want from you is a promise that you will never weep for us. Or souls will never rest in peace if you grieve for us after we are gone".

Tears of joy and pride flowed down Bibi Zainab's eyes as she embraced her two boys. In the morning during the general attacks from the enemy, Aun and Muhammad fought side by side with Ali Akber, Qasim and Hazrat Abbas. Every time either of them succeeded in felling an enemy, he would look proudly at Hazrat Abbas who would smile and nod his approval. Imaam Hussain would not, however, give the two boys permission to go for single combat. They were very disappointed. They came to their mother for help. Bibi Zainab sent someone to request Imaam Hussain to come to her tent., When the Imaam came Bibi Zainab said, "Hussain, at the battle of Siffeen Abbas was only eight years old. When he saw someone trying to attack you, he rushed into the battle field and killed the man. Do you remember how proud our father Ali was? Today I too want to be proud of my sons. I want to see them go out there and defend Islam. Will you not allow me that privilege?" Imaam Hussain stood there in silence. He looked at his sister. He saw the disappointment on her face. He saw tears forming around her eyes. He put his arms around the two boys and led them to their horses. He kissed them and then helped them mount. "Go," said Imaam, "Go, and show the world how those as young as you can fight the injustice and oppression of Yezid!" Then he turned round and lifted the curtain of the tent. The boys raised their hands and said "Fi Amaani-llah, mother!" Bibi Zainab replied, "Bismillah my sons. Allah be with you!"

The two boys rode out into the battlefield. They fought bravely. At one point Umar Sa'ad asked, "Who are these two youngsters? They fight like I have seen Ali ibne Abu Taalib fight." When he was told who they were he ordered his soldiers to give up single combats and surround and kill the boys. Aun and Muhammad were attacked from all sides. Soon they were over-powered and brutally killed. Imaam Hussain and Hazrat Abbas carried the two young bodies to a tent and laid them on the floor. Imaam walked to Bibi Zainab's tent. He found her in sijdah praying, "Ya Allah, I thank you for accepting my sacrifice. My heart is filled with pride because my two sons have given their lives for your religion."

Hazrat Ali Asghar (as)

Hazrat Ali Asghar was the youngest child of Imaam Hussain. He was born only a few weeks before Imaam left Madina. His mother's name was Rubaab daughter of Imra'u'l Qais who was the chief of the tribe of Kinda.

Rubaab had two children, Sakina and Ali Asghar. She and her two children accompanied Imaam to Kerbala. The fact that Imaam took with him a newly born baby further demonstrates the that his intention was never to engage in any armed rebellion.

At Kerbala Asghar was only six months old. From the seventh Muharram there was no water in Imaam's camp. Asghar was in great pain because of thirst.

On Ashura day, after Ali Akber had been killed, Imaam Hussain was standing outside the camp. He was left all alone and he was preparing to go into the battlefield. Just then he heard a child cry. It was Ali Asghar, tormented by the pangs of hunger and thirst.

Imaam walked into Bibi Rubaab's tent. He lifted the child from the cradle. "Rubaab," he said, "I will take him to Yazeed's army. Surely they can not possibly deny this little infant a few drops of water?" Rubaab changed Ali Asghar's clothes. She even tied a small turban on his head. Like any other mother she wanted her son to look at his best in front of strangers.

Imaam Hussain carried the child to the battle field. Walking up to Yazeed's soldiers Imaam Hussain said, "This child has done you no harm. He is dying of thirst. I am begging for a few drops of water for him."There was no response. Imaam said, "If you are afraid that when you bring Asghar any water I will drink it, look, I will put him on the ground and you can come yourself and give him water." He put the child on the sands of Kerbala and moved a couple of steps back.You can imagine how hot the desert sand was. Asghar lay there not even wincing. He turned towards the enemy and stared at them. A murmur arose among the soldiers but no one came forward to give water to the baby. Imaam took Asghar in his arms and in a clear voice said, "Asghar, my son, show them how thirsty you are!" Asghar turned his head towards the soldiers. He smiled sweetly. Opened his mouth. Brought out his dry tongue and moved it over his lips. The ultimate sword had been unsheathed !

The soldiers were so moved by this that they could be heard sobbing. Still, they were very afraid of Yazeed and none dared come forward to give water to Ali Asghar.

Umar Sa'ad was worried. It seemed that Asghar was emerging victorious in this confrontation against the might of Yezid. He looked at Hurmala, a famous archer, and said, "Silence Hussain!"

Then a terrible thing happened. Hurmala lifted his bow. Aimed an arrow at the child. The arrow flew across the hot desert. There was a hissing sound. Asghar smiled. He lifted his head and arched his neck!! No civilized mind can even imagine what happened next. The hissing sound stopped and Asghar lay still on his father's arms.

Imaam Hussain looked down at Asghar's neck, he saw the arrow, he saw the neck, he saw the smile and then he could see no more!!!

Our Imaam began to feel faint. For a moment everything went dark. He could not see! There was a total silence over Kerbala, broken only by the sound of the gentle waves of Furaat. Even the enemy appeared stunned.

Slowly Hussain turned round and now looked at the baby in his arms.

The arrow had passed through the tender neck and lodged in Imaam Hussain's chest. There was no way Imaam Hussain could dislodge the arrow. His two arms were supporting the still child. He looked at the sky, and prayed "Ya Allah, give me courage in this most difficult moment of my life. No Prophet ever was subjected to a test as severe as this."

It is said that the Imaam was so shaken up by what had happened to the infant child, that all of a sudden his beard went all grey and he looked an old man. With his teeth he pulled his abaa over Asghar to shield the body from the scorching sun. Then he took a few deep breaths, and began to walk towards his camp.

As he got near he saw Rubaab standing at the entrance to her tent. He saw the anxiety, the hope, the fear and the restlessness in her eyes. Our Imaam seemed to lose all strength. He could not walk forward towards Bibi Rubaab. He took seven steps back saying "INNA LILLA-HI WA INNA ILAY-HI RAJEEOON". He stopped and thought that he must take the child to his mother. He again took seven steps forwards saying "INNA LILLA-HI WA INNA ILAY-HI RAJEEOON". Once again his eyes met with those of Bibi Rubaab's. Again our Imaam seemed to lose his courage and walked backwards repeating "INNA LILLA-HI WA INNA ILAY-HI RAJEEOON". Imaam Hussain did this seven times. Forward and backward. All the time Bibi Rubaab's eyes remained transfixed on the child. Each time Imaam reciting "INNA LILLA-HI WA INNA ILAY-HI RAJEEOON".

Finally, somehow, he got the arrow dislodged. He now took the dead infant to Bibi Rubaab. He said, "Rubaab! This is a test from Allah which no mother has ever been asked to go through. Come with me" Bibi Rubaab followed. With their own hands they dug a small grave! The father and the mother together buried Ali Asghar!!

Imam Husayn (as)

Our Imaam is all alone! He looks around him. There lie Habeeb ibne Mazahir, Muslim ibne Awsaja, Zuhair ibne Qain and all his friends and companions. There lie Awn and Muhammad. He looks at Qasim's trampled remains. He looks at Ali Akber, his beloved son, with that dreadful wound on his chest. He looks towards Furaat. Gently he whispers, 'Abbas, Abbas, I am alone! So very alone!'

Slowly Imaam Hussain moves towards the tent of Imaam Zain ul 'Abideen. Zain ul 'Abideen is lying unconscious on his bed. Lovingly Imaam shakes his son by the shoulder. The sick Imaam opens his eyes, 'Father, Father, why are you alone? Where is my uncle Abbas? Where is Ali Akber? Where is Qasim? Where are all your companions?' Imaam Hussain says, 'Son, no man, save you and I, is left alive. All of them have died for Islam'.

Imaam Zain ul 'Abideen tries to get up. 'Where are you going, my son?' asks Imaam Hussain. 'To fight Yezid's army!' replies the young man. 'No, my son, you are too sick for Jihad. I have come to say good-bye. Look after the ladies and the children. And, my son, when you get to Madina, give my love to Sugra. Tell her that I always remembered her and that in these last moments of my life, I wish I could give her a hug before I get killed.. And also, my son, give salaams to our friends and tell them to think of me when they drink water!'

Imaam Hussain then stands in the centre of the camp and cries out, "O Zainab, O Kulthoom, O Sakina, O Ruqayya, O Rubaab, O Fizza my greetings to you! Farewell to you all !" The ladies and children weep and wail as they say farewell to Imaam.

Imaam walks towards his horse. There is no one to help him mount. Bibi Zainab steps forward. She holds the reins as Imaam mounts the horse.The horse moves a few steps and then it stops. Imaam Hussain urges the horse to move, but it stands still looking towards its hind legs. Imaam turns his head. He sees Sakina clinging to the horse's leg, pleading, 'O horse, do not take my father away from me. Do not let them make me yateemah!'

Imaam dismounts. He says, 'Sakina, you are the great grand daughter of the Holy Prophet! I love you so much that if you tell me not to go, I will not. But then Islam will be destroyed. How will you or I be able to face the Holy Prophet on the Day of Judgement?' Fighting back her tears the four year old Sakina can only manage to say, 'Bismillah, father!' The four year old holds the reins as her father mounts for a certain death !! Hussain rides on. He stands on a hill and cries out,

"Who is there who will come to my help?"

Of course our Imaam is not expecting any of the enemy soldiers to come to his help! To whom is he addressing this plea for help? Our Imaam is addressing the plea to all the Muslims, in every age and everywhere, young and old, men and women, grown ups and children urging us all to always fight Yezidism and refuse to disobey the commands of Allah. Every little effort we make to preserve and act according to our Islamic conscience is a response to our Imaam's call with LABBAIK! LABBAIK!

Imaam rides towards the enemy. There is a shower of arrows! Imaam ignores the arrows and rides on. He wants to make one last effort to preach true Islam to the enemies of Islam. He stops and turns towards the enemy and begins to speak :

"O those of you who do not know me, know that I am the grandson of the Holy Prophet. I am on the path of truth. Yezid personifies falsehood and corruption. He wants to lead you away from Islam. Do not follow him. Do not kill the grandson of Allah's messenger. Allah will never forgive you!

Remember that when you see a ruler who does what has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, who indulges in sins, who oppresses the people he rules, and you do nothing to stop such a ruler, before Allah you are as guilty as he is. You know my ancestry. My parents did not raise me to submit myself to an evil tyrant. I am your Imaam. You have surrendered the freedom of your mind to the evil ways of Yazeed. If you do not care for Islam, do, at least, care for the freedom of your spirit!!"

Umar Sa'ad cries out, "Do not fall victims to Hussain's oratory! Kill him!"

From all directions the soldiers advance towards Imaam Hussain with their naked swords! Imaam says: "You are determined to fight me Then fight you I shall ! I do not fear death. Death to me is sweeter than dishonour. Now I shall let you witness the valour of the son of Ali ibne Abu Taalib !"

Imaam Hussain takes out his sword and begins to fight. Thirsty, tired, wounded, grieving, our Imaam fights as no one had ever seen any one fight! Where ever he turns to, the soldiers flee as rabbits do at the sight of a lion! Umar Sa'ad sends all his best warriors against Imaam. They all perish. No one dares come near our Imaam! Imaam stands on his stirrups. Casts his eyes to where Hazrat Abbas lies, and murmurs, "Abbas did you see the battle of your brother, the thirsty, the broken hearted brother?"

And then Jibra'eel appears and says, 'O Hussain, Allah is pleased with your bravery. The moment has now arrived for you to save Islam with your life!" Hussain looks at the sky! Yes, it is the time of Asr! Hussain returns the sword into the sheath. Lowers himself on the horse-back. Whispers to the horse "Take me to where my mother Fatimah is waiting for me! But, O my faithful horse, go past where my Akber is lying so that I may see my beloved son just one more time before I die."

Seeing that Imaam has sheathed his sword the enemy come from all sides. Some throw stones at him, some hit him with swords. Arrows are shot at him! Suddenly the horse stops! "My son, my son!" cries out the soul of Fatimah Zahra.Imaam Hussain falls from the horse! But his body does not touch the ground. It is resting on the blades of the arrows. He performs his Asr prayers lying on this musallah of arrows! Now he goes in to his last sijdah and says :

"O Allah! All praise is to You and You alone!"

Someone is moving towards where our Imaam is in sijdah on the arrows. He is holding a dagger in his hand. The earth trembles! The sun goes into eclipse! Jibraeel cries out "OH HUSSAIN HAS BEEN KILLED, HUSSAIN HAS BEEN KILLED!!!!" Sakina falls on to the ground unconscious! Bibi Zainab runs to the tent of our fourth Imaam. 'Oh Son! What has happened?" Imaam Zain ul 'Abideen staggers towards the curtain of his tent. Lifts it up, and pointing his finger at a head mounted on a lance. He cries out in a trembling voice :

"Assalaamu 'alaika, Ya 'aba 'Abdillah !!!"