Rafed English
site.site_name : Rafed English


12 slices white bread
1 red or green pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
20 ml oil
250 g Polony, sliced and chopped
12 eggs
500 ml milk
50 ml mayonnaise
175 g cheddar cheese, grated
30 ml fresh parsley, chopped


1. Preheat oven to 180ÂșC.

2. Grease a large flat square tart dish or oven pan.

3. Put 6 slices of bread side by side in the bottom of the tart dish.

4. Fry the green pepper in heated oil for 3 minutes.

5. Arrange equal amounts of red or green pepper and polony on the slices of bread.

6. Place the other 6 slices of bread on top as if you are making sandwiches.

7. Beat eggs, milk and mayonnaise together. Pour over the bread and leave for 1 hour or overnight.

8. Sprinkle with the cheese and the parsley.

9. Bake for 40 minutes until the egg mixture has set.

10. Use an egg lifter and place one sandwich on each plate.

Serve whilst still hot.