Rafed English
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So, you are off after another stressful day at office or of running errands. With this exceptionally busy lifestyle and hectic schedules, it is apparently impossible to find time to relax. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a quick cat nap to recharge their batteries and get back to work again. While complete relaxation can be characterized as calmness, slow breathing and improved concentration, neglecting it can lead to the onset of various diseases and illnesses. Nevertheless, there are some relaxations techniques that you can undertake to help your mind and body relax after that exhausting day filled with umpteen chores. By applying these tips into your daily life, you will be better able to balance your day. The best part about these tips is that they can be performed anywhere and in a short time. Read further to find top tips for relaxation.

Stress Relaxation Tips

All that you need for breathing is you and your lungs. Seek out any place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply to help your heart rate slow down thereby increasing the oxygen supply in your body and improving blood flow to your brain.

An easy solution for relaxing, it helps you to de-stress yourself and think more clearly. Breathe through your nose and mouth while closing your eyes.

Listen To Music

Listen to whatever you love. Simply put on your headphones and indulge yourself into the calming tunes of the music to relax and retreat yourself and your mind from the various stresses of the day. While some people are fond of listening to soothing music like classical or instrumental music, others prefer upbeat songs and lyrics. Always carry a music player with you so that you can use it whenever you feel the need to relax. While listening to the music, close your eyes and absorb yourself into a few minutes of relaxation.

Do Anything You Love

In today’s world, it is very difficult to get a job of your dreams. Hence, most people take up a job against their likeness. This is bound to create stress, tension and anxiety to one’s life. Thus, one of the best ways to relax yourself in such circumstances is to take up an activity that you love doing or enjoying. These can be simple activities, such as calling an old friend, reading a magazine or watching a television program. You can light some candles, dim lights, play soft music or rest in a comfy chair to create a soothing atmosphere. In case you love the water, you can soothe your nerves by taking a warm bath using aromatherapy.


Though it might be counterintuitive for some people, but for others, exercising is the best way to relax the mind and refresh the body. Hence, if you intent to get up and move your body tie up your shoe laces and move outdoors for a jog or run on the treadmill. You can try out jumping jacks, push-ups or sit-ups to enhance your blood flow. By increasing endorphins, exercise reduces stress thereby, giving you a better feeling of relaxation.

Try Visualization

Visualizing or imagining a wonderful setting can do wonders on your stressful mood and relax your mind and body.

Whenever you feel stressed, close your eyes and imagine a relaxing place, such as a beach, hiking trail or any other soothing location. Try to feel the cool breeze against your skin or hear the ocean waves. The more you involve yourself into the scenario, the more relaxed you would feel.

Source: lifestyle.iloveindia.com