Rafed English

How to Clean Winter Gear?

Grime on Leather Gloves

I love the way a pair of bright leather gloves add a touch of color when I'm wearing a dark winter coat. The only problem is light-colored gloves seem to get dirty much more quickly than dark brown or black gloves do. To get your favorite pair clean, work a small bit of saddle soap into a lather with a dampened a paper towel. Don one glove and with the sudsy paper towel in the other hand gently work the soap into the soiled areas. After several seconds, use a new damp paper towel to rinse away the soap and grime. Wet leather loses color easily, so be sure not to over-wet or vigorously rub the gloves. Repeat these steps, if needed. And then do the same with the other glove. Allow both gloves to air dry, and you should find the leather softer, more supple, and maybe even as good as new.
Black Scuff Marks on Rubber Boots
You might be tempted to scrub at ugly black marks on rubber rain and snow boots, but they need a lighter touch: Dip a soft cloth in water, then kitchen scouring powder, and rub the spots gently with the paste. Once spots are gone, wipe with a clean damp cloth and buff dry.
Dirty, Flattened Suede Shoes
Suede is a beauty to behold, but a beast to clean. If it's mud, be sure to let it dry completely; scraping at fresh mud will just smear and worsen stains. Quickly rub off overall dirt with a kneadable eraser, stiff suede brush or just lightly sand away obvious stains with an emery board. To raise the nap of suede that's flattened, scrub briskly with a clean toothbrush or terry cloth towel. If it's really matted, hold the shoe a few inches above the spout of a steaming teakettle for a few seconds, then brush up the nap.
Road-Salt Stains on Leather

If your town fights icy streets with road salt, you've surely had "ring around the shoe," a white salt line that appears when leather dries. Desalting products, available at shoe-repair shops, are one option, but it's just as easy to mix an at-home cleaner of equal parts white vinegar and water. Soak a rag in the solution and dab the shoes. Rinse with a water-dampened cloth, and wipe with a dry towel. Let the shoes dry, away from radiators or other heat sources, which can make the leather brittle. Finally, polish and buff with a soft cloth.

To prevent those pesky salt lines from forming, take action as soon as possible once indoors: Before your shoes dry off, lightly dampen the entire leather upper with a sponge, then stuff the shoe with newspaper to help hold the shape.

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