Rafed English

ABC of Parenting

ABC of Parenting

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

A lways trust your children to Allah's care.

B ring them to the Mosque.

C hallenge them to high goals in deen.

D elight in their achievements "Masha`Allah"

E xalt Allah in their presence "Subhaan`Allah"

F rown on evil " Astaghfirullah"

G ive them love and understanding

H ear their problems, be there for them.

I gnore not their childish fears, tell them Allah is Always there.

J oyfully accept their apologies, Allah is All Forgiving.

K eep their confidence.

L ive a good example before them, Islamic ettiquettes.

M ake them your friends.

N ever ignore their endless questions!

O pen your heart to their love.

P ray for them by name, .May Allah make them the coolness of your eyes.

Q uicken your interest in their spirituality, Dhikrullah (remberance of Allah)

R emember their needs, show mercy to them

S how them the way of Our Prophet Muhammad and his Household. (peace be upon them All)

T each them to appreciate every little in life. "Alhamdulillah"

U nderstand they are still young and Innocent. "Fitrah"

V erify your statements, speak clearly like the way Prophet Muhammad {peace be upon him} used to.

W ean them from bad company.

X eXpect them to obey, Allah and their parents,

Y earn for Allah's best for them.

Z ealously guide them in the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

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